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Diabetic Wisdom Tooth Extraction Extreme Fear

  • Thread starter Thread starter Daria Alexandra
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Daria Alexandra

Junior member
Jun 18, 2020
Hi! I am new here..so both my wisdom tooth are starting to come through my gums..both on lower part and on the right side I already have pericoronitis it stopped hurting tho..I have worn braces for 8 years and if I don t extract the molars my whole smile will be screwed because there is not enough space in my mouth.. I am a type one diabetic...and I am trying so hard to lower my blood sugar to be able to go to the procedure..as I also have neuropathy from poor blood sugar management..I have to wait at least a month to be able to go through the extraction to schedule it and get my bg s down..the wisdom tooth is impacted, stuck in the gum and possibly in the bone too but i m not sure...it is very risky for me to get sedation due to my diabetes so it is not really an option and I am absolutely mortified of the procedure I am so scared I get in bed to sleep and think of it and cry because of the fear and breath fast...I don t know how to get through it....also one anestesia doesn t work for me...xiline (i think it is called) i had a dermatological procedure that used it and they told me it s used in oral surgery as well and they injected me with it 8 times and every 10 seconds i started to feel again....i don t know if it was because of the blood sugars or not...i don t think the blood sugar control was that well but it healed ok tho....please help me I am very scared to the point I don t have the courage to call and make the appointment yet...and I am under pressure bc i don t have that much time to get it done...in august i have to fly abroad to move for university....please help me sorry for possible spelling mistakes or idk i am currently in one of those panic anxiety crying night moments i was talking about...
Hi Daria, when you're moving abroad, see if you can get a Freestyle Libre (an instant measuring system for blood sugar) - it's a fantastic device and in many countries it's free for people with type 1 diabetes.

Would you like me to move this question into the Ask a Dentist section? It sounds as if you have some conditions which might complicate treatment, and we have some dentists here who are qualified to answer questions related to special needs dentistry :) .
sure thank you very much I've seen a post in that section amd it was really comforting but before doing that.. i want to ask you something.. do you thing it will be really painful??? or i don t know take a really long time.. i ve read that when scared i just have to not be too nervous but what if i get too nervous at that time?? what do i do???
oh and thank you also for the tip with the cgm, I used a cgm before but in my country I didn't get it free, they had really low quality sensor available without alarms or anything and I applied anyway but didn't get a response yet, so I bought my own sensors but it got way too expensive I couldn't afford it anymore. I'm really hoping to be able to get it free abroad to help me have a well controlled diabetes^^
Is this going to be done by an oral surgeon? They should be very skilled at getting you profoundly numb. I suppose the first step would be to schedule a consultation and see what they recommend, and put your concerns to them :) .

We've got lots of Wizzie removal success stories here, which might be helpful:

We've also got a section with ideas of things that can help to keep you calm here:

Thanks a lot!! yes an oral surgeon will perfom the procedure. This forum s saving my life