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do NHS dentists only want to see the easy patients?

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2011
What do dentists really think about patients that fidgit in the chair, ask a lot of questions and are anxious or phobic. Would they rather avoid such patients?
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They didn't want to deal with me I'm a very nervous patient and needed a lot of work that they didn't wanna do so what they did was refers me to the hospital to get them all removed luckily got a second opinion at a private dentist and said I need a lot of fillings and only a few teeth out
I think it would be fairer to say that the NHS system doesn't give dentists the time they would want and need to spend with nervous patients. But there are certainly dentists both NHS and private who would rather only treat patients who want to be there and are happy to allow the dentist to carry out the necessary treatment without fuss.
The truth is that it is very expensive to have a good dental office with good staff. So a dental and foxes overhead is a couple to several hundred dollars per hour of operating time. If the fees are low then there is a lot of pressure to get procedures done.
Hi De,

My impression of NHS dentists is that they would like to do their best but the system doesn't allow them the time. I would like to believe that dental students are being taught how to manage patients during their training and to recognise and at least try to help patients that present with anxieties bout dental care, although there must be a tendency to steer way from patients that are time consuming!

It is a mine field out there. Recognising the caring, compassionate, sincere dentist fairly early on in the consultation is key, NHS or private. Iv'e met so many trying to find the right one for me, but these qualities do stand out.