• Dental Phobia Support

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Do you have part of your mouth you fear the most?

  • Thread starter Thread starter krlovesherkids777
  • Start date Start date

What area do you most fear getting work done

  • Upper

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • Lower

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Front

    Votes: 9 37.5%
  • Back

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • Its all scary

    Votes: 11 45.8%
  • It doesn't matter

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 26, 2017
Sioux Falls, SD
As I'm sitting here stalling on some upper back work. I'm remembering how really upper work especiall towards the back makes me most nervous. It is close to my sinuses . and I have such a small mouth back work is just harder . The only plus I seem to remember the local being easier up top.

Do you have a specific area you fear most getting work done in ?
I wonder if dentists should also answer this or would that greatly affect anyone reading it who has to do with that area that the dentists on this site might choose?
My first instinct was to answer back and lower. I have consistently had trouble getting numb on the lower teeth and I have trouble with gagging when work is being done towards the lower back teeth. For some unknown reason, upper top teeth have never created a gagging issue :confused:...you wouldn’t think it would matter, but for me it does. I have actually never had work done on my front teeth (that I can recall, I did have work on the front teeth when I was very young but do not remember it) but I feel like that would be horrifying because it’s very visible and something about injecting local into that area just completely freaks me out so I had to change my vote to all of it!:hidesbehindsofa:
I have always felt that any work on my upper front teeth was risky, because they're so small and thin. I always worried that they would snap off while the dentist was drilling them!
Lower back because local almost always fails for me on those teeth. Also my roots back there are ridiculously long so that has made RCT and extractions very difficult.
I'm afraid of all it, terrified really. It's been years and years since I've had any work done and the idea of them sticking my gums and the roof of my mouth with needles makes me physically ill. I've had a tooth extracted before, I remember the sound of it but felt nothing so it's not like I ever had a bad experience with a procedure, I'm just extremely nervous about the needles and having my gums cut open, and whatever else they plan on doing. I'm a gagger as well. I am supposed to have an alveoloplasty which creeps me out.
No idea I been going to the dentist every 3-6 months since my first baby teeth came through probably before I was one.

But now with the covid-19 virus,I did go to the dentist in January 2020, but if my appointment gets cancelled which I sure it willnext month,
I voted back, because the further back in my mouth, the more I worry about gagging. Also I worry that my mouth is too small to get all the way back there and make it harder to treat/easier to make mistakes. Those are big reasons why I haven't had my wisdom teeth removed despite them being severely impacted.
So get that punkerpants.. I am the same!!
For me it's all scary. With my receding gums and the like it's never a pleasant experience to go to the Dentist, even though the people there are wonderful.
I have particular problems with freezing regarding my upper left front side too. Seems no matter how many times they stick me it never freezes right up, so I just imagine I am getting a tattoo and ride that pain out.