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Do you let your partner look in your mouth ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter MissMarie
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Junior member
Feb 5, 2018
my boyfriend asked me how many fillings I have the other day , just out of nowhere . I felt sick and weirded out , I just went hot and red . I just asked why he was asking ? He said he was just curious , then teased me saying to open my mouth and let him see . I just got really angry , and feel now I've revealed I have issues with dentistry and I feel embarassed . Anyone else like this? I have amalgam fillings in my back molars , they are so ugly . I didn't want him to see , and I dont like anyine seeing me with my mouth open , even dentists and assistants , I just go red .
You are not alone! My husband and I have been married 10 years and together 5 years before that and no way would I let him look at my mouth. I'm generally very private but also embarrassed by it all. I had a lot of cavities when I was young and have a mouth full of amalgam fillings. My husband was blessed with great teeth. Never needed braces, never had cavities. He can not relate. He has never asked but even if he did I would never even consider showing him.
I let my husband look in my mouth if he wants. I had 2 teeth extracted, lower 1st molar and upper second molar and I couldn't bare to look at the them as I felt sick everytime so my husband had to do it! I've also shown my colleagues the extraction sites and I don't have amazing teeth. It's just what you feel comfortable with but no one should ever force you to show them your teeth if you don't feel comfortable other than a dentist of course. Also your teeth are probably not as bad as you think. We always think our teeth look worse than they do.
I let my husband look now...but it's a new thing, I never did before! I was always sort of ashamed to have him look. The other day though my broken wisdom tooth was acting all wonky and when I checked it, it was so gross. It freaked me out and my husband asked to look. I was so embarrassed but I let him check it out. He wasn't grossed out. I'm so jealous though. He has perfect teeth!
I wont now allowed my partner to look in my mouth if I had one, I hate my teeth