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Do you like brushing your teeth?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lioness
  • Start date Start date

Do you like brushing your teeth?

  • Yes, I do.

    Votes: 8 20.0%
  • No, I don’t.

    Votes: 5 12.5%
  • Yes, I love doing it!

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • No, I hate doing it!

    Votes: 10 25.0%
  • I don’t mind doing it.

    Votes: 11 27.5%
  • It’s hard to say… (you can write something more if you wish)

    Votes: 3 7.5%

  • Total voters


Jul 10, 2016
Good afternoon, everyone! :)
I’ve allowed myself to create this poll as it seems that people around me love, like or–at least–don’t mind brushing their teeth. But, against the widespread opinion, we all know that is not everyone’s favorite activity. ;)
But–on the other hand–I’d wouldn’t like to suggest anything… :D
So, what about you?
Thank you for all your votes. :)

Personally, I’ve chosen “It’s hard to say…” option because… the truth is that I’ve been hating brushing from my childhood. Yet now I’ve noticed that I like it a bit better when I use fruity or bubblegum (or–at least–not burning, strongly minty flavored) toothpaste.
But I still hate it in the evening when I’m tired… And my inner kid wants to jump straight to bed but…”Uh-uh!” my adult self says, “No way!”
Do you know this fight? :naughty:
Hate the taste and I gag something chronic! That’s also why I can’t stand the dentist, in case I throw up on them! ?
I can't imagine anyone liking it. It's so boring!
I hate doing because I can't see what I am doing properly.
This is an old thread, but I like brushing my teeth. I didn't get into the habit until I was 16 (I'm pretty much 17), but it feels so nice to have fresh breath, clean gums and smooth teeth.
I hate it. Especially in the evening. Apart from the being tired and just wanting to go to bed thing, it's like night brushing gives my body the signal that I am hungry and then can't sleep unless I ate. So I have to eat and then watch an episode of something on Netflix because I can brush again.
I always walk around or watch youtube when I do it too. Otherwise it's too boring. And don't get me started on the lingering taste of toothpaste. Yuck!!
I don't mind doing it, but it can be rather boring. And yes, I know exactly what you mean about wanting to jump into bed at night and skip brushing altogether. This is especially true for me, because when I'm ready for bed, it's like right now I'm ready to fall asleep instantly. So I have to wake up enough to actually do it when I'm already half sleep.

I find it's easier if I bring a cup with me and brush my teeth while I'm on the internet before bedtime. That way I'm occupied by what's on the screen so it's not as boring.
I know it is important to brush your teeth, but struggle a lot to see what I am doing, having an overcrowded tiny mouth doees not help, mirrored with poor lighting and mirror.