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does anyone know about how long a filling should be cold sensetive b4 things get better?

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Former Member
Dec 12, 2013
does anyone know about how long a filling should be cold sensetive b4 things get better?

on june 25th, I got a couple fillings in the back and they used the stuff that's tooth colored and dentists are using more often and not the traditional silver filling. I've been noticing that over the last couple weeks or so i'm having some cold sensitivity on the back left tooth when I drink or eat really cold stuff(ice cream and drinks with ice) and i'm just wondering if it's something that I should have checked out or if it's normal. I really can't say with certainty further back then that on if I've had sensitivity issues or not since I don't eat that much really cold and don't have really cold drinks that much since I prefer room temp soda.

tooth sensitivity when chewing isn't a current issue since I mostly use my right side to chew and the right filling is behaving(knock on wood) but I did have it happen in the past. I just ate some chees puffs and no problems on the left. July 5th I had an incident with a piece of pork that sent a dull lightening bolt sensation in the area. Boy talk about a sensation that I haven't experienced in a while and do not miss.

I tried googling my question but i'm striking out over here.
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Re: does anyone know about how long a filling should be cold sensetive b4 things get better?

on june 25th, I got a couple fillings in the back and they used the stuff that's tooth colored and dentists are using more often and not the traditional silver filling. I've been noticing that over the last couple weeks or so i'm having some cold sensitivity on the back left tooth when I drink or eat really cold stuff(ice cream and drinks with ice) and i'm just wondering if it's something that I should have checked out or if it's normal. I really can't say with certainty further back then that on if I've had sensitivity issues or not since I don't eat that much really cold and don't have really cold drinks that much since I prefer room temp soda.

tooth sensitivity when chewing isn't a current issue since I mostly use my right side to chew and the right filling is behaving(knock on wood) but I did have it happen in the past. I just ate some chees puffs and no problems on the left. July 5th I had an incident with a piece of pork that sent a dull lightening bolt sensation in the area. Boy talk about a sensation that I haven't experienced in a while and do not miss.

I tried googling my question but i'm striking out over here.

I'm having the same experience as you, but I had my fillings more recently done (July 23rd). But I still have some sensitivity (it isn't painful, it's about a 0.5 on a scale to 10) to super super cold things, and a sore feeling when eating hard foods or chewing gum. From what I've gathered from my research on this, about 4-6 weeks is when it should start feeling better (some take longer to heal)...You should probably give your dentist a call to see if maybe the bite is too high, the composite filling didn't cure/wasn't done properly/etc., or if there might have been irreversible damage done to the nerve and it can't repair itself (worst case scenario). I'm not a dentist, so please go and seek out their professional opinion. I've just obsessed over this, due to my fear of getting a root canal! Also, I'd love to hear what your dentist ends up saying, or if you finally feel better. Seeing as our situations are very similar!

I hope you start to feel better!
Re: does anyone know about how long a filling should be cold sensetive b4 things get better?

Crud. That's what I was afraid of. a few of the searches I did do had that mentioned but they were people who had deep fillings. I'll call them tomorrow.

If I wasn't into cold stuff, i'd probably wait and see but it REALLY sucks having to be on guard with trying to enjoy a bowl of cereal, ice cream, or something like that. I mean yea I could heat up the milk but that makes the cereal go soggy faster and while I do like soft cereal, I don't like cereal mush.

I need an upper adjustment anyway so I guess I could kill 2 birds with one stone.

Re: does anyone know about how long a filling should be cold sensetive b4 things get better?

sensitivity lasting a few days is not unusual though it should then disappear. The sensitivity is a sign that the tooth nerve is being aggravated, it's often down to a high spot on the filling or it could be a fault with the filling such as leakage at the edge.
Either way it should be checked so give them a csalll
Re: does anyone know about how long a filling should be cold sensetive b4 things get better?

went in. Turns out that the filling is fine but the bottom partial needed a bite adjustment on the left side since that's where the problem is mostly likely stemming from. Upper needed acrylic stuff to deal with a gap between the partial and my gums.