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Does cold sensitive cavity mean RCT?

  • Thread starter Thread starter greenwood
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Apr 4, 2009
I am trying to work up the nerve to go to a dentist. There have been a lot of excuses why I can't....no money....need to find the "right" dentist. Now I have realized that a cavity that has started between my two back teeth is cold sensitive. It just feels like a twinge when I have a cold beverage and is gone in a few seconds. There is no pain on tapping the tooth and it is not bothered by heat. I know you can't tell me for sure that RTC is not needed, but can you tell me if cold sensitivity automatically means a root canal IS needed?
If the pain isn't lingering or prolonged, it probably can be fixed with a filling. It would be good if you could find the "right" dentist soon, especially if cost is a concern - the longer you wait, the greater the chances that the pulp gets damaged, in which case the tooth would need to be root treated (and unfortunately, this works out a lot more expensive than just a filling :( - especially on back teeth).
There are lots of tips on this forum and website on how to go about finding the right dentist for you - have a look around :)!