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Does number of teeth matter in way cavities form?

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Dec 14, 2020
new york
This might be a dumb question. If someone had one bicuspid per quadrant removed because there wasn't enough space for them and in addition all their wisdom teeth removed, if they get cavities will the cavities be bigger because the bacteria concentrate more on the teeth that are left?
I'm always looking for a way to let myself off the hook - lots of dental guilt.
Bacteria can move from one tooth to the other so basically: the more teeth you have, the more chances of bacteria settling and disinfect the rest of the mouth.
Fewer teeth means less likelihood of crowding which means that removing plaque will be easier, so less chance of decay and gum disease... as a really rough generalisation.
I think you mean "infect" above, not disinfect Dr D.
Indeed Gordon. Thanks.