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Does this sound like an abscess

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Junior member
Feb 25, 2023
I am ashamed to admit I have not been to my dentist in 6 years, chalk it up to life events and anxiety i guess. Last week I noticed a small red/pink colored pimple looking protrusion on the side of the gum under a previously root canaled tooth. What could it be? Everything seems to point to abscess which will require either extraction or second RCT. Regardless i am seeing the dentist this wed bc this has me scared, i am getting xrays and having him check this spot out and taking it from there.
I am officially going to reclaim my oral hygiene back starting this week.
While it may be an abscess, unlike me, you are making an appointment right away so good for you!! I’m envious. I can’t believe I waited this long (idk how many years) and my appointment is tomorrow. I hope everything goes well for you!!!
Everything seems to point to abscess which will require either extraction or second RCT.
Sounds like it. You never know though, try to not worry about it till you get it properly looked at.
@Gordon ended up being an abcess, on abx now and will extract in two weeks. Question for you is there any difference in pulling a regular tooth vs a tooth that has previously been root canaled with a crown on it or is more or less the same procedure?
Mostly the same, sometimes the crown will fracture when the forceps are applied, so there may be some weird crunching/cracking sounds but nothing too weird.