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Does this sound like Trigeminal Neuralgia?

  • Thread starter Thread starter MountainMama
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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2018
At my appointment yesterday, my dentist said she thinks I may have trigeminal neuralgia. She said the front tooth is healing nicely, although slowly. There is no mobility, and when she pressed against my gums near the root tip, it didn't hurt nearly as much as before.

I still have pain occasionally in the extraction sites for both extracted molars. It is an ache that comes and goes, and is sharp. Sometimes it lasts for a few seconds, sometimes for ten minutes.

I have a sharp ache right behind my nose, almost like sinus pain, but no congestion.

The roof of my mouth hurts when touched, nowhere near the root canal. The gums right behind the root canal (front tooth) are super tender, feeling almost burned.

My dentist put me on antibiotics again, just to rule out residual infection. If I still have pain, she is going to send me to the endodontist for a cone beam scan to rule out anything wrong with the tooth, then the next step would be a nerve specialist.

I read that one. It scares me, because my symptoms are fairly mild right now, so I can't imagine it getting to "searing pain" as it progresses. It is bad enough right now.

I have a lot of symptoms that sound similar, like the numbness and tingling (my front four top teeth feel like this off and on), and the pain next to the nose and top teeth. All day today, the area behind my top front teeth feels burned, like I drank something too hot.

I also get flashes of sharp pain on both sides of my jaw, upper and lower. The article said it is usually on one side.

Unfortunately the only trigger I can detect is talking. If this gets worse, that is going to become a problem. My dentist mentioned Neurontin as the prescription i would get if it was diagnosed. I haven't seen that one mentioned on here yet, unless it is a brand name, not the actual medication. Do you know much about it?
Also, how would this impact getting an implant? I am scheduled to get an implant for the lower right molar in February. If I do have trigeminal neuralgia, will that make it worse?
Following. My endodontist and dentist have suggested this diagnosis for me as well. I still have work to be done, so my mouth isn’t perfect - which would make TN the obvious answer if my teeth were perfect. I’m living in fear of the possibility that this might be what I have. My doctor prescribed me gabapentin (the generic of Neurontin), but the possible side effects have made me scared to try it. I sure hope you don’t have trigeminal neuralgia! Hang in there.
I read that one. It scares me, because my symptoms are fairly mild right now, so I can't imagine it getting to "searing pain" as it progresses. It is bad enough right now.

I have a lot of symptoms that sound similar, like the numbness and tingling (my front four top teeth feel like this off and on),and the pain next to the nose and top teeth. All day today, the area behind my top front teeth feels burned, like I drank something too hot.

I also get flashes of sharp pain on both sides of my jaw, upper and lower. The article said it is usually on one side.

Unfortunately the only trigger I can detect is talking. If this gets worse, that is going to become a problem. My dentist mentioned Neurontin as the prescription i would get if it was diagnosed. I haven't seen that one mentioned on here yet, unless it is a brand name, not the actual medication. Do you know much about it?

My trigger is talking. Mild aching. Tongue burning on one side. Not sharp. Been going on for many months. Just started tegratol. I'd try anything that might help stuff possible side effects. Ive had none so far except maybe a little tired but the pain made me tired anyway.

On plus side your dentist is identifying it - mine didn't say it could be neuralgia and took my healthy first molar. Still a bit bitter on that one!
My trigger is talking. Mild aching. Tongue burning on one side. Not sharp. Been going on for many months. Just started tegratol. I'd try anything that might help stuff possible side effects. Ive had none so far except maybe a little tired but the pain made me tired anyway.

On plus side your dentist is identifying it - mine didn't say it could be neuralgia and took my healthy first molar. Still a bit bitter on that one!

I lost two molars. One admittedly was compromised with a root canal (and did need it), but I probably had two unnecessary procedures (apicoectomy and retreatment), then an extraction when it was healing perfectly according to x ray, so it could have been the TG all along. The other molar was extracted because it wouldn't stop aching and was determined to need a root canal, which I declined due to all the issues I had with the other tooth.
Gabapentin seems like something used in the US more than UK, I've no experience of it.
Gabapentin seems like something used in the US more than UK, I've no experience of it.

Thanks, anyway. It seems as though I will have a lot of questions for the neurologist.

The antibiotics actually helped quite a bit with the pain. I have less pain now than I have in 8 months. I can talk normally, and the pain next to my nose has gone away. There is still a burned feeling on the gums right behind my front tooth. I also still have random pain in other areas, but not enough that I need tylenol.