Hello and a very Happy New Year and decade to you all; for those reading in the UK, also a Happy "Brexit" for Friday! As promised, here is my next spiel, as the procedure for my new bridge gets underway. Yesterday (Tuesday 28th January 2020 AD) I had the first of what is now planned to be only two appointments; this one was all about removing the old, and the next one in just over ten days time is about fitting the new. Despite a sleepless night prior, the session went very well and was not the ordeal I was dreading; firstly, the moulds taken have now gone all digital, and so no nasty clay stuck in for ages nor the fractured jaw from a removal. In fact it was totally pain free with a camera on a wand taking pictures to then proudly display my teeth in three dimensions and full colour on a big screen! Within moments these were sent and with the nearby technician who will make up the new teeth to these patterns. As I had suffered such ordeals in the past Megan on looking around the area very sensibly opted to give me a local to numb out the entire area; the patch behind the breakage was a bit tender and so the drugs allowed us to work in total comfort. As per my experience at "Smiles Better" last year, my nurse Lisa held me as the shot was given, a couple of minutes after an extremely effective gel had been applied, but this time felt nothing at all! I was somewhat aware of drugs moving in, but there was no discomfort associated with it whatsoever. The needles nowadays are so thin (I reckon barely a hair in diameter) that I would wager for most sites very comfortable even without gel if the person giving is particularly good. The only strange sensation I really had this time was an odd taste that soon dissipated after a couple of minutes. One small shot was enough to take out a whole quadrant, let alone the one tooth it was intended to freeze, so whatever happened thereafter could have been taking place in a nearby block of wood! The actual process although pain free was quite long winded, as the old glue had to be very carefully milled out without causing undue heat from friction and so risk damaging tooth surface; I reckon this took just shy of twenty minutes. With all removed, a few more pictures were taken and sent of the gap now exposed. before to my surprise and delight, the teeth were cleaned and temporarily glued back in! This means that I still look and sound great, and life can continue normally until my new teeth get fitted in ten days time. The only slight issue I had afterwards was some slight jaw ache from the extended periods of necessary openings, but as per previous sessions plenty of breaks were given, and reassuring voices lilted from both ladies throughout the procedure. Due to the noise of the drilling and the long openings, in hindsight I think I did the right thing in having all of this under sedation when it was last done in a dental hospital some fifteen years ago, as I was then in such a state with anything dentistry that I simply would not have coped.......... But my, how things change in the dental world in one decade! I can honestly report that the care and attention I received from this latest session was of the utmost quality and the attitude to care from all involved sublime! This goes to prove that if people just make a little effort the rewards can be huge. I still feel the sadness that I did not have someone as lovely as Megan in the eighties; I would not have had the phobias and as many traumas that I have endured up until recent times. I should add at this juncture, that at this appointment it was exactly two years since I had my first appointment back in 2018 at "Smiles Better" and thus started my road to recovery from phobia to freedom, and exactly eighteen months since first meeting Megan and Lisa at "Enhance", the whole story of which can be read on here for those who have not already read and followed. My second instalment is thus already set up for Tuesday 11th February, when if all goes to plan, I should be sporty a nice and shiny smart new pair of teeth! I will write about this after the event as before.......... God Bless Megan and Lisa, Sameera and Annabel From dental heaven with love. Simon XX