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Extraction of failed root canal treatment front tooth(Very Scared to do the surgery). Please help!

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Junior member
Jun 11, 2016
Extraction of failed root canal treatment front tooth(Very Scared to do the surgery). Please help!

Hi, I really need help because I am very very scared to go to the dentist and fix my issue. I visited the dentist a week ago and took an appointment as the DR told me that my tooth is broken and that he should do a surgical extraction which he will probably cut my gum and for sure 100% he will do about two stitches. I am not able to accept the needle and thread even if I am numb and don't feel anything. Imagining it is making me crazy and not able to go again to the dentist and do my surgery. Doctor informed me that I have failed root canal treatment front tooth it's broken and can't see the tooth only the roots is remained inside and I can't see it. I am so scared something happens to me at the Dentist as I can't control myself and my heart beats goes very very High. Please help what is the solution, I need to fix it!
Re: Extraction of failed root canal treatment front tooth(Very Scared to do the surgery). Please hel

I had the almost exact same situation as you my tooth 30 AND sounds like similar fears. Let me help you out.

I had a failed root canal too. Mine failed because there was no root (it was really weird!). Probably because of the unique situation, I was referred to an oral surgeon for extraction. I had the surgery under anesthesia and I would totally do that again. It was so quick. There are a ton of success stories on this website. With my dental fear, I am afraid of involuntarily twitching, and like you my heart rate shoots up. I get very nervous in the chair. What works for me is Xanax and laughing gas. Just talk to your dentist about your fears so that they can help you.

Good luck! let me know if you have any other specific questions.
Re: Extraction of failed root canal treatment front tooth(Very Scared to do the surgery). Please hel

Many Thanks for your reply. I'm gonna meet the Doctor soon and I think he will put an immediate implant after extraction, is that okay? I am also scared from stitches as he is going to stich. I informed him that would like to take medicine before going like Xanax but he said that it's not necessary, I have never tried it before. Did you had stitches after the extraction? Thanks again for your reply.
Re: Extraction of failed root canal treatment front tooth(Very Scared to do the surgery). Please hel

The dentist may not think it's necessary but he's not you. Insist on Valium or Xanax if you know you are going to have a horrible time with the procedure. No need to cause yourself unneeded stress. You are the patient.I've had stitches before and they are painless when you are numb. Best wishes
Re: Extraction of failed root canal treatment front tooth(Very Scared to do the surgery). Please hel

Thanks again for your reply. Last question, after the surgery will you feel the stitches and will there be pain? I am so sorry to ask a lot but I am really worried and feeling so nervous.
Re: Extraction of failed root canal treatment front tooth(Very Scared to do the surgery). Please hel

I didn't feel the dentist putting the stitches in . After a couple days of healing they started to kinda itch. But I wasn't aware of them everyday. And I didn't feel any pain:)