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Face not back to normal after local anesthetic...

  • Thread starter Thread starter marynyc
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Aug 7, 2018
As if yesterday's experience with the endo wasn't jarring enough, I noticed today that when I smile, the right side of my mouth, doesn't go up as much as the left. My husband confirmed that I am not crazy, it is noticable to him when he looks at me as well.

It's been over 24 hours. Appt was close to 4pm and numbing wore off completely around 8:30 pm (I think my body responds quite a bit ti anesthetic, because my nose was even numb!) - this didn't happen last week with the regular dentist, but this guy was kind of rough with his injections. He also injected the roof of my mouth too (with no warning or numbing gel I might add, both of which were for the gum portion on the outside!).

I should add, my cheek/gum from the injection is still a bit sore (as I said, he was rough) but there's no pain when I smile.

Anyway, googling facial paralysis from dental LA has sent me into a whole new kind of panic.

Is this normal more than 24 hours later? When will it go away? I only had the root canal yesterday and have to see regular dentist for the post and crown (I assume, since it's on my to-be-completed portion of the treatment plan) so there's only going to be more injections here and now I'm really concerned about so much LA used in one spot.
Can you clarify? The numb feeling has gone but there's a bit of lack of movement? Or the numb feeling has persisted?

If the former then don't worry, it's probably trauma from the rough handling. An ice pack applied to the area may help.

If it's the latter, contact your dentist ASAP.
Numb feeling is gone, and was gone within a few hours. But when I smile, the right side doesn’t go up as much. It’s still a bit sore if I touch it, but not much. Just lack of movement. I iced it right away when I got home Monday but thankfully I woke up today and even the ache in the tooth was finally gone. I’m concerned that with all the work I need on this one tooth, it’ll just get worse!
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I know it's not severe or uncomfortable, but beyond their needing a few cavities filled and the recent root canal, my smile has always been a hallmark of my appearance. It being crooked now is adding to my anxiety, when I still need to get the crown put on that tooth so I know there's more LA in my future. I worry that this will just get worse over time and that'll kill my confidence.
Do you still have a little swelling on the inside of your cheek, possibly, or at the joint of your jaw? I had oral surgery on a molar last Friday, with local anesthetic. Even after the swelling went away, the inside of my cheek was a little swollen...not enough that I could really feel unless I was trying to smile. It just finally went back to normal yesterday, which was a week after the procedure. I had the lopsided smile that whole time.
As an update, the filling was Aug 20 and today, Sept 14, my smile is still crooked :( dentist said yesterday when I saw her that it would probably return to normal but she couldn't be sure :/

I'm never seeing that endo again.
As an update, the filling was Aug 20 and today, Sept 14, my smile is still crooked :( dentist said yesterday when I saw her that it would probably return to normal but she couldn't be sure :/

I'm never seeing that endo again.

Oh I am so sorry. ? I hope it goes back to normal for you.
While it is possible for a local anesthetic to cause transient or even permanent parathesia it is also possible that this is a coincidence and you have Bell’s palsy. This typically effects the facial nerve with dropping
It’s only in the smile - the upper lip portion on that side, right below my nose. It’s not the rest of the face at all & there is no drooping in my lips/mouth otherwise :/ I think this guy was just a jerk and really rough but there’s nothing I can do about it at this point.