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Facial swelling after LA?



Well-known member
Nov 24, 2006
The LA I had yesterday caused my face to swell. Not majorly, but enough. This is something thats not happened before, so as soon as I noticed it (by feeling my eye wasnt closing properly - then looking and seeing a puffy cheek from my lip up to my eye) it immediately fueled my panic.
The dentist looked and said it was fine, just the LA... But still, not something that happened before (and Im worried it could happen again, maybe worse.. Thats health anxiety for you!). My eye also wasn't closing properly on that side, so that was watering for a good 4 hrs or so. In total it took 6.5hrs for the LA and swelling to wear off.

The LA was given pretty slowly, he didnt rush or anything.
Injected to high for your anatomy since everybody is different it can happen
Is it possible that this could have rendered the LA less effective as far as numbing were concerned? I think she did get topped up though but still couldn't get numb enough so they reappointed.
Is it possible that this could have rendered the LA less effective as far as numbing were concerned? I think she did get topped up though but still couldn't get numb enough so they reappointed.

Sure it is possible.
that would be pretty rare and not worth worrying about.
that would be pretty rare and not worth worrying about.

Agree not worth worrying at all. I think in an adult, you do not approach possible (not inevitable) overdose levels until after about 12 cartridges (UK cartridges apparently contain more than USA ones).
A dentist who manages to cause an LA overdose is a very incompetent dentist indeed.
there was a dentist in California years ago who gave one patient over 50 cartridges of local anesthesia. She died. He went to prison
About the only time you hear of a problem anymore it is a young child who receives too much anesthesia while sedated.