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Facing dentures and so many questions

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Jan 15, 2022
After I am over some tooth surgery in a few months I am going to have to think about getting a denture. I simply cannot afford implants at this point.
My lower left will be without wisdom tooth, both molars and a pre molar, lower right only missing wisdom tooth and first molar but remaining one is weak from work done on it.

Will a partial cover just one side, or will there be an individual tooth on the right side?
My dentist said my options are NHS acrylic dentures which I have read are not as good, more bulky and awkward but will cost less. The other option is a metal plate denture which will be stronger, thinner, last longer but will cost 5x the amount and I am allergic to nickel in metals to quite a high degree.

Does anyone have any advice?
Which would you choose?
Do you have dentures? Are the clips painful? I have brittle teeth and worry clasps and clips could damage my remaining teeth. Can you eat?

Thank you lovely people xxx
It would be easier to wear a partial denture with teeth on both sides, for complicated dental reasons that I can't be bothered to type out :-)

For an immediate denture you may as well go for a cheap acrylic one, easier to adjust and can be relined. After 6 months a metal based denture would be a good upgrade. They are made of Cobalt Chromium alloy and don't contain any nickel.

Alternatively a flexible base denture might work too.
Thanks Gordon.
My dentist doesn’t offer immediate dentures. I have to wait 6 months before they will talk to me about getting dentures and to start the process.
Acrylic ones are on the NHS but metal ones are private only and that could be out of my budget unfortunately.

I was just starting to get used to being able to eat using my premolars but that’s out the window now.
Only thing i can say is that you will learn to adapt to whatever contraption you end up with. Have had dental problems my whole life. Bad life choices and fear of the dentist the main culprits, but no matter, no matter what i had done it always was awful but i made it thru and learned to live with it to the point where it wasnt even an issue.

After wearing a full denture on top and partial on bottom at age 38 to 52 i have just had the rest of my bottoms out and have a full bottom denture now which is about to get a relign which hopefully last ten to twelve years. Like i said before, a full bottom denture without any real teeth as anchors have been a challenge but I learned to adapt and deal. You can do this and you will be amazed at what you can overcome. Trust me, i have extreme anxiety throughout every day life. The dental anxiety is thru the roof, yet here I am telling you "You can do it"

Get a dentist you trust. If you have even the smallest doubt about the integrity or intention of your current D, go get another one. This guy I am using right now is money hungry jerk and I now dont trust him at all but am so invested that i dont have a choice other than finish this up and move on.