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Fainting right after getting LA



Junior member
Jul 26, 2014
I've been trying to get work done on my teeth for the past couple years. The past three times I've fainted right after getting LA. anyhow they won't treat me afterwards so I get stuck with a numb mouth and no work done and last time I fell out of the chair and cracked my two front teeth. That was over a year ago I just gave up..

Here we are now I knew it'd come sooner or later. Saturday night. Pain and a lot of it. I'm going to try and get into the dentist monday to get something done. I just don't want to faint. I'm not nervous I'm not sure why I have this issue.... They don't seem to know either.
I should not this has only happened when the top is getting numbed. It hasn't happened on the bottom yet.

So. Any advice to someone that actually faints? I've read a lot about laying back etc etc. Didn't help last time. And now its crunch time because I'm in pain.

Thanks in advance.
Re: Fainting...

The only way I have found is 10mg of diazepam from the doctor
Re: Fainting...

Tried iv sedation. To no avail. Couldn’t get put to sleep. I’m not anxious or anything. I just want my teeth fixed. No dentist wants to help me out. They keep referring me to the next person etc etc. I’m at a loss really.
Re: Fainting...

I have been referred a couple of patients with a history of fainting. First thing a patient needs is a work-up by a cardiologist. Once I know the patient is healthy then the treatment is easy. I premedicate the patient with an a vagolytic drug. It is the over-activity of the vagus nerve that causes your problem so when its blocked you won't faint.
Re: Fainting...


As comfort dentist said, first you should rule out any physical reason that can cause the fainting. If it is ruled out, I would investigate what triggers it during the dental procedure.
In short: first of all you need a diagnose.
Re: Fainting...

Hey thanks guys I just logged back in. So I just went to get impressions done for a partial for 5 front teeth. Anyhow I’m going to take your advice with a cardiologist just to make sure I’m all good. I haven’t heard an answer like that so I appreciate it very much.
I’ve had ekg’s after the fainting before I went to the ER two times. They didn’t have an answer either. All came back normal minus blood pressure just a tad over normal. I was experiencing some anxiety, though. I’m a 29 year old male if that helps.
So next question would be if I’m cleared by the er that I’m in good health, could it be some sort of anxiety that I don’t know about? Or that nerve you mentioned still being over active?
Also it has ONLY happened with work pertaining too the top of my mouth. I’ve had many procedures done on the bottom and I’ve never fainted.
Re: Fainting...

Hi there :),

we've got a page with tips for preventing fainting here:

If laying back (with the head lower than the feet) didn't help last time, you could try applied tension - there's a description on the page.

Please keep us updated and let us know what happens!
Re: Fainting...

I will definitely keep you guys posted either way! I’ve fainted before and got a root canal right after front tooth up top. He didn’t seem to mind much guess he was experienced with it happening. So I think I’ll be fine at any rate.
Re: Fainting...

Still haven’t went.. I had the opportunity to go last weekend but I chickened out both times. Sigh… I’m going to go hopefully this week. Bringing one of my friends because I think that’ll take my mind off of some of it. I know everything is going to be so much better once this is done. I just have to go.
I started having anxiety at home before the appointments and just called and cancelled..
Well folks. Today I had it done. I did not faint! My dentist was super cool and did everything I needed him to do. I also talked got a good bill of health even saw a cardiologist and had quite a few test ran.

I got my front 6 upper teeth removed and a partial put in place. It’s been such a long journey. I’m still not finished yet. But this is the biggest chunk.

I think possibly the deciding factor was he laid me back farther than I have ever been, I did some applied tension techniques but I didn’t even feel faint. More or less just typical anxiety.

Anyway I just wanted to close this post out till next time. Thank you all. God bless!
Great I saw a patient yesterday who has had a history of fainting. We discussed preventive tactics and she did fine.
What might be the preventative tactics one might consider for this? are they in general way or was it specific to her? just wondering for tactics in general to help with this for those with history
What might be the preventative tactics one might consider for this? are they in general way or was it specific to her? just wondering for tactics in general to help with this for those with history

Five posts up from yours :-)
Thanks Gordon.. I missed that link just looking at last post made :) What a great helpful page!
Thanks Gordon.. I missed that link just looking at last post made :) What a great helpful page!
I did every single thing listed on that page lol. Now I’m just healing and the headaches are kind of rough. I don’t like pain medicine other than ibuprofen so that’s all I’ve been taking.