So sorry for what you have been through, Xoxo.
There is a lot of anxiety, grief over how your teeth were in your childhood and a lot of desperation in your post. I don't know much backround about you or how the problems came up.. or even how supported you feel by your dentist, I just saw that you had and very unpleasant experience with a cold test that seem to have raised your anxiety lately.
You mentioned your dentist said that you
may need a root canal
if the symptoms persist. I know this is a lot of uncertainty, but still sounds like the tooth may simply settle by it's own. It doesn't sound like you have unbearable pain in the tooth and have to act upon it right now. This made me wonder why would you decide to extract the tooth straight away and whether it might be a better idea to give yourself a little bit of time to process the visit and to see where to go from there. I hear you on the "I should just have them all removed" and it only shows where you are at with your desperation, but a feeling of desperation doesn't mean that the situation actually is desperate and very often there are solutions even when we do not see any.
Let us know your thoughts and feel free to vent as much as you like, we are here to listen
Hey Enarete,
Thank you for responding to my post. I appreciate the kind words and advice you have shared with me. You are right, I wouldn't say the pain is unbearable, more like uncomfortable, if it can even be considered pain or if it is sensitivity. I feel that you are right on trying to let it settle down as well. I am just afraid that the unbearable pain will pop up at any moment though, which is why I am so hasty as to have the tooth extracted. I have yet to hear back from my dentist, and am wondering if I should call them and see what is going on with setting up the appointment, or if I should do as you advise and wait and see if it settles.
I know when I went in yesterday for my appointment, my teeth actually seemed to of been settling down, but if I would had canceled my appointment, it would have cost me money. So I went in. I told the dentist that is seemed to be doing better, but she still did the percussion tests and the cold tests. The percussion tests didn't do too much, but the cold tests I am unsure of. She did it on my 3 teeth on the left side of my mouth, that had fillings in them put in on July 2nd. Number 19, 14, and 13. Number 19 was the filling that had a pulp cap and was deep, but hasn't been causing me much of an issue, unlike number 15, which had to be removed because the pulp cap didn't take and became necrotic. I still feel sensitivity in the extraction site of 15. Not sure if that is weird or not?
Anyways, well the cold test was performed on the 3 teeth and when the cold was taken off the tooth, the pain seemed to dissipate a few seconds later. But number 13, I would say the pain dissipated too, but it felt sensitive afterwards. It felt weird. All day yesterday it felt weird. I went to sleep last night, and it feels a bit better today. Still getting a few twinges in number 13 and 14. I just don't know how I should process it. Are they settling down? Does it have a Necrotic Pulp? I am unsure. I just feel that having it or possibly them, if dentist will, extracted would be the best. I don't know though.
I never had Cavities as a child, and I didn't start having problems with my teeth until about a year ago, when I broke one of my Wisdom teeth from grinding my teeth when I sleep. That pain was the worst I had ever felt. I had that tooth removed, and about 6 months ago, I have just started having problems. Mainly with the rest of my wisdom teeth. So I found a dentist not far from me and she did an evaluation and made me a treatment plan. I have since changed dentists, considering she did not really talk with me or explain things to me. She also did not make me feel comfortable, even with her knowing how nervous and scared I was.
I found a decent dentist though, I think, since then. He did 3D x-rays and actually suggested a few extractions, especially on tooth number 4 that needed a core buildup, pulp cap and crown. I had told my previous Dentist that I had just wanted that one removed, considering that I was afraid that it would become necrotic just as number 15 had, and I would had wasted 2 grand on one tooth. Anyways, so he did the extractions about 3 weeks ago including my last 2 bottom wisdom teeth. Everything seems to be healing nicely, but now, I have been worried about the sensitivity and twinges I have been feeling in teeth 13 and 14. I still have two teeth left that need fillings, and I still need a deep cleaning done, but I am just unsure as to how to proceed. I feel as if things will just get worse the more I get done. Sorry for such a long post. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read.