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Feels like I have pain underneath my crown even with a root canal

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Junior member
Jul 12, 2018
Root canal done two months ago on first molar. Was sore for about two weeks and then fine for a month. Two weeks ago started getting sore. Dentist (who did root canal) and endodontist (second opinion) can't see anything on xrays. Say it looks fine. Dentist adjusted bite.

Tooth hurts when pushed from cheek side toward tongue side and also some times w. This happens a lot when I yawn and my tongue pushes against it. Pain feels like it's up under the crown. Sometimes it hurts when I bite down when eating. Crown has open margins and will get fixed at the start of 2019 when my insurance resets.

What do you think the issue could be? Crack under the crown? Infection?

Why do I feel the pain underneath the crown even when the nerve is gone?

I'm basically at a loss for what to do. The pain is there and it's not going away but no one sees anything wrong.
There's no way to tell without examining you, given that your 2 dentists haven't got an answer with the benefit of seeing you and your x-rays, it's a pretty tricky diagnosis from here with neither of those! :-)

Seriously, RCT'd teeth are odd, I've got one on the top left that's absolutely fine on x-ray, it's got a good crown on it, but if I press in exactly the right place on my cheek, it's a bit tender.
Root canal done two months ago on first molar. Was sore for about two weeks and then fine for a month. Two weeks ago started getting sore. Dentist (who did root canal) and endodontist (second opinion) can't see anything on xrays. Say it looks fine. Dentist adjusted bite.

Tooth hurts when pushed from cheek side toward tongue side and also some times w. This happens a lot when I yawn and my tongue pushes against it. Pain feels like it's up under the crown. Sometimes it hurts when I bite down when eating. Crown has open margins and will get fixed at the start of 2019 when my insurance resets.

What do you think the issue could be? Crack under the crown? Infection?

Why do I feel the pain underneath the crown even when the nerve is gone?

I'm basically at a loss for what to do. The pain is there and it's not going away but no one sees anything wrong.

I have this exact issue. I had my root canal done in early June, and it is sore to pressure. I have never been able to get my permanent crown put on due to it hurting when they tried to take off the temp. My endodontist said x ray showed root canal was great and no infection shows up. She showed me a picture of how different roots can look. Some are smooth and some have tiny little canals that are like "hairs" at the end, on the outside that can harbor infection. She said there is no way to know for sure, until you go in. I am getting an apicoectomy done this Friday, to hopefully end the pressure pain. Mine doesn't ache or hurt unless I push on it or accidentally bite down on it. It is not always painful either.
I, too, still have percussion pain my my crowned root canal a year later. Been to see general and endo, both of whom can't figure it out.
I’m having a similar issue. I’ve been having weird sensation of sensitivity in my upper right molar that had a root canal and crown about 4 years ago. Recently it started feeling nagging sensitive sensation but there’s no pain. Just even when I’m not using it it feels sensitive. Makes me want to touch it/tap on it to see where I feel sensitive. When I tap on it I feel sensitivity there but doesn’t a root canal take that out? I’m very frustrated because this tooth hasn’t goven me problems for four years and now it’s constantly there. Dentist didn’t find anything on x Ray and everything looks fine with the tooth but why does it feel this way? I’m not sensitive to cold or hot things just in general when I touch it and even don’t use it it’s sensitive. But when I bite down it doesn’t hurt. I admit I’m using that side more often than the other but it shouldn’t be causing this much discomfort. I’m really anxious because I already have the possibility of having to take out another root canal and I don’t want to take this one out either. Did your problem resolve ?
Could be the bite has shifted slightly, it would give similar symptoms to what you describe.
Could be the bite has shifted slightly, it would give similar symptoms to what you describe.
Thank you for replying. So what should I do? Wait for it to subside? I already adjusted it recently because my dentist thought that was the problem but does it take a while to get use to it? Or should I get it adjusted more? If that doesn’t woke what else could it be?
Ask the dentist to check it again, it's not a case of getting used to it. It's not always easy to get it totally right first time, what can happen is that there's a big obvious issue and a couple of smaller ones, you get the big obvious one sorted and the patient says "Yes, that's it" but the other ones are still there and get overlooked in the heat of the moment...