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finally got myself to the emergency dentist

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Junior member
Jul 1, 2016
After first posting here a year ago I never did manage to get myself to a dentist

That changed recently out of necessity. I ended up in A and E with severe dental pain. My partner says I was quite literally climbing the walls with the pain although I don't remember a lot about my behaviour during the worst of it

I was then driven to an emergency dentist appointment the next day and pushed through the door by my partner. I was swearing I wasn't going in and would get the bus home if he wouldn't drive me home. The dentist was actually very nice about my phobia and just looked, which was scary in itself but I managed.

I have now been referred to have the work done under sedation at a local hospital. I need a lot of teeth out including my front ones

Now I'm waiting on the appointment letter and just as scared about going in to get this done. I don't really know how this all works or how effective sedation is going to be. Will it be sedation or general anaesthetic? It has both ticked on my referral letter

I'm also worried that I'm going to have no teeth. Being 26 that would be awfully embarrassing especially when I work with so many people

I have been off work due to the pain and swelling for a couple of shifts and I don't know how to explain to my manager why I will need more time off without being judged for it

Reality is that I know I'm looking for excuses not to go but I will be forced into the appointment - that's for the best, and I know it's well meaning but it doesn't stop me being frightened.

Dentists terrify me and although I was incredibly proud of myself managing through the x rays and the check up at the time, the fear is just coming back, even if I'm sedated the work is still the same and the idea of having teeth pulled is terrifying, what if it doesn't work and I feel all of the pain still?

The thought of being left in the pain I'm in now is equally scary
Congratulations on taking that first step whatever circumstances got you there. I had years of false starts and it was only when one of front teeth actually fell out that I did it!

Ok so sedation first - my personal experience was good I had a fab anethetist who completely understood my nerves and was a bit cheaty? when putting the needle in my hand (which she did first time despite my shakes) she said she was putting a little water through to check the seal first. That's the last I remember! I can't recall anything of the procedure (26 teeth removed) so I would 100% recommend.

The mental effects of having so many teeth removed is a different ball game and I would push to ensure you are set up with a immediate denture so you aren't like me, left with no teeth. Thankfully it will only be a week or so but even these first few days have been unbelievably hard.

My gp was happy to sign me off work for as long as I needed. I'm sure yours will do the same.

Only a few days in but any other questions I will try and answer.
Good luck and keep us updated.
Well done! What you have done takes real courage.

If I may offer this suggestion: regarding work I encourage you to be honest with your boss. Sometimes an uncomfortable and good conversation can make everything clear.

You've done well.
Thanks for the replies

It's nice to be able to talk to others who have had the procedure

Work now know I have a referral although I am waiting for my manager to have time to discuss exactly what it is for. I would rather not tell the assistant manager and have her pass on the message. The fewer people who know the better.

I'm a carer for people with dementia so need to be on the ball at work. Part of my responsibility is refusing to work, even when managers want me to, if my ability to care for these people is compromised, when I was in serious pain my concentration just wasn't there. The people I look after mean the world to me and don't deserve someone making mistakes that could endanger them. Work are very pushy about being in work even when we are sick.

It was reassuring to hear that you had a good anaesthetist, I hope mine employs some sneaky tactics too - I have never been under anaesthetic before so it's all new for me. My partner is going to accompany me to my appointment, we are lucky enough that he can take time off whenever needed and make it up later as he works for himself.

It's brilliant that they can do the work without us knowing it is happening now. To be honest without it I wouldn't be stepping foot anywhere near that chair, those emergency visits scared the life out of me.

I will definitely be pushing for immediate dentures. I don't think I would want to leave my house without teeth, as petty as that sounds. I'm already worried that people will know afterwards that I don't have any of my own any more. I feel like I would be judged for it.

Is there any reason immediate dentures may be refused?

Does anybody know also how long it takes for an appointment letter to come through after a referral via the NHS? I am still waiting on mine.
After first posting here a year ago I never did manage to get myself to a dentist

That changed recently out of necessity. I ended up in A and E with severe dental pain. My partner says I was quite literally climbing the walls with the pain although I don't remember a lot about my behaviour during the worst of it

I was then driven to an emergency dentist appointment the next day and pushed through the door by my partner. I was swearing I wasn't going in and would get the bus home if he wouldn't drive me home. The dentist was actually very nice about my phobia and just looked, which was scary in itself but I managed.

I have now been referred to have the work done under sedation at a local hospital. I need a lot of teeth out including my front ones

Now I'm waiting on the appointment letter and just as scared about going in to get this done. I don't really know how this all works or how effective sedation is going to be. Will it be sedation or general anaesthetic? It has both ticked on my referral letter

I'm also worried that I'm going to have no teeth. Being 26 that would be awfully embarrassing especially when I work with so many people

I have been off work due to the pain and swelling for a couple of shifts and I don't know how to explain to my manager why I will need more time off without being judged for it

Reality is that I know I'm looking for excuses not to go but I will be forced into the appointment - that's for the best, and I know it's well meaning but it doesn't stop me being frightened.

Dentists terrify me and although I was incredibly proud of myself managing through the x rays and the check up at the time, the fear is just coming back, even if I'm sedated the work is still the same and the idea of having teeth pulled is terrifying, what if it doesn't work and I feel all of the pain still?

The thought of being left in the pain I'm in now is equally scary

Can I ask why they want to do it at a hospital and not the dentist office?
Can I ask why they want to do it at a hospital and not the dentist office?

I don't think a normal dental practice is allowed to do anaesthetic here.

It was deemed by the emergency dental service as being the best option due to the amount of work needed and my phobia meaning there was no way I would be able to sit and have it done without sedation. It's an NHS decision, not an uncommon one I don't think.
No sadly most nhs dentists don't have sedation available and have to refer you on. I was lucky to be able to get private treatment so could have sedation and all my treatment with one dentist which really helped.

I sadly suspect you will have a lengthy wait (a few months) so if the budget will stretch check out private. Appreciate may not be an option.

Most people will be given immediate dentures. My case was complex and my mouth a total mess so they could not get decent impressions until my teeth were out. They are now working round the clock to make my teeth and I've been in for measuring and fitting every day! However I can't face the world or even my family without teeth so an pretty much a recluse at the moment. Trying to keep focussed on the end game and if you check out my journal I've even found a few positives!

Hang in there - it's a marathon
My appointment finally came through

I get my assessment on 20th April

So three months to wait before I can get it all sorted and a long time to talk myself out of going.

Got my partner to hide the letter so I can't phone and cancel if I get scared.

I know this will just be a look at what's happening so no treatment that time round, keep telling myself that so hopefully it seems less daunting