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Flashbacks of Doctor Chairman and unbearable mess in my thoughts

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lioness
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Jul 10, 2016
Hey, everyone! :)

Sorry for this weird thread but I feel I must have a talk with somebody, otherwise I’ll freak out soon. :confused:

The thing is that I suppose I’ll have to go to the dentist’s in some short time because my left back tooth started to ache a bit and the another one, which was done by a root-canal, aches a bit, too, quite often.
Besides, I haven’t been there for 10 months and… Who knows? Maybe I deserve a lecture or scolding… :dunno:
I’m sure Doctor Chairman would administer it to me! :redface: (I wrote about him here, so I wouldn’t like to repeat myself.) And what about Doctor Kamil? I don’t know, really… :unsure:

My Mum thinks all my dental fears are ridiculous… :( She calls this forum “a circle of mutual adoration”… ;) She sees nothing wrong in Doctor Chairman and his methods…
She also claims (I think, unfortunately, quite right) that I should “take what they give me” as I am a disabled person and not many dentists would like to work with me.

Yes, I’m kind of happy that I know Doctor Kamil now but I’m still a bit scared. I’m not a great fan of brushing and taking frequent care of my teeth… Sometimes it seems to me like a waste of time and my weak energy… I’m stupid, I know… :(
I wrote the previous post on 6th and… on 10th all my achy teeth stopped hurting, all of a sudden. :) And they still don’t hurt, really… So, I don’t know what it was… :confused: Maybe some rheumatic pains… :dunno:
So, don’t worry about me, my teeth are fine! :giggle:
Yeah, I know that it’s high time for a check-up anyway. ;) I’ll go soon, I promise. :grin: