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Food stuck deep in extraction hole, tried being s little bit more forceful and started seeing blood.


Help me please

Junior member
Sep 1, 2018
Food stuck deep in extraction hole, tried being s little bit more forceful and started seeing blood.

I was irrigating and got a large piece of chicken out of my wisdom tooth socket (surgery was on August 10) and underneath that there was what looks like white food stuck deeper in. I tried getting it out and started bleeding now it aches just a little bit...am I getting dry socket?
Re: Food stuck deep in extraction hole, tried being s little bit more forceful and started seeing bl

I was irrigating and got a large piece of chicken out of my wisdom tooth socket (surgery was on August 10) and underneath that there was what looks like white food stuck deeper in. I tried getting it out and started bleeding now it aches just a little bit...am I getting dry socket?

Are you sure the white "food" wasn't bone? Dry socket usually occurs within 10 days of extraction, while the gums are still healing. I have known people who had bone exposed a few weeks after surgery, but had no pain, and it gradually filled in.
If you develop dry socket, it will not just ache, it will throb, especially when you lay down. I had dry socket on both lower wisdom teeth extractions. If the pain gets worse, call and get checked. They will pack the socket and you will get immediate relief.