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Full set of top teeth half bottom

  • Thread starter Thread starter Melissa86
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Junior member
Aug 22, 2017
I am new to this site and I am wondering if anyone would kindly settle my nerves shall we say.
I am due for IV sedation on Thursday morning to take some teeth out and replace my full too teeth with impression teeth that I've had made up. I'm absolutely petrified!!
I am worried about how long I'm going to need to rest for afterwards and any side effects. Also will i be able to take ok after it's done as I'm due to return to work 2 days afterwards and I work in a call centre on the phone!
Any help advice or experiences will really be appreciated

Welcome. you are in good company!! We can empathize with so much. I've never had more than one tooth on top out but I did have 5 out on the bottom for a partial denture and that went way easier than expected. and healed up really nicely. it was almost 20 years ago so I don't remember the timeframe for healing but.. i also worked at a call center and don't remember missing work for long . but... that was for partial on bottom..

I really hope it goes so well for you!!!

Welcome. you are in good company!! We can empathize with so much. I've never had more than one tooth on top out but I did have 5 out on the bottom for a partial denture and that went way easier than expected. and healed up really nicely. it was almost 20 years ago so I don't remember the timeframe for healing but.. i also worked at a call center and don't remember missing work for long . but... that was for partial on bottom..

I really hope it goes so well for you!!!

Thank you so much for your reply.
My anxiety is through the roof I just wish it was over and done with. Hope I have a good healing process like you did ?