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Getting #18 lower left molar pulled today

  • Thread starter Thread starter karensue77
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Junior member
Jun 11, 2015
Hi, I've been posting on this site for about a month now all about my dental issues with 3 root canals and continuous pain since January of this year. Today at 4 I am going to a new dentist to have #18 pulled. My regular dentist after 6 months of pain has determined that #18 has a hairline fracture.
I am full of anxiety about getting the tooth pulled now even though I know it has got to be done. I just can't wait for it to be over now. I am driving myself there and I am scared that I might feel dizzy after because of my anxiety. Also the new dentist that I am going to, I found to have several bad reviews that I didn't see until after I scheduled my appointment so this makes me more filled with panic. Some say he rough handled them and then there are others that say he was great. Oh boy, I am just a nervous wreck. Can anyone offer me any support or good words about this??? Thanks.
Hi I am in the uk and I don't know if you have left yet but if not GOOD LUCK :clover::clover::clover:

I don't know if you have seen this dentist before but if you did and trusted them enough to book this extraction appointment I am sure things will be fine.

Once you are numb they will prepare the tooth and then they just lift it out, you will be asked to bite down on rolled up pad. The tooth will be out in seconds usually, it will be totally pain free. After when you get into your car sit for a while before you start to drive. You will be okay and fit to drive but you need to feel calm after being so stressed and worried about it.

You will be surprised how easy it will be GOOD LUCK :clover::clover::clover: :butterfly: