• Dental Phobia Support

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Getting my tooth removed soon.



Junior member
Nov 15, 2023
United States
Hey everyone,

Firstly just wanted to say sorry if this ended up in the wrong category.

I guess I’m having a lot of panic attacks about this tooth specifically so it’s going to turn into a bit of a ramble.

It is my right upper 6 year molar, not sure the number. I had it root canalled in July of last year. It had a permanent filling and no crown, as my dentist continued working on other teeth. I had a bad panic attack in September and stopped going back.

But prior to this I told him the tooth still hurts and insisting it was fine, he shaved it down. It never stopped hurting but wasn’t that bad. I did go back to dentists since the attack in September, including same practice, but different dentist as mine had left. He never crowned it and instead worked on other teeth.

Eventually, around October/November of this year, it started hurting really bad to the point where touching outside of my cheek caused harm. Went to new dentist (I had moved) and they said it’s infected again. It needs a retreatment but they don’t do that. I get antibiotics two separate times while I call trying to find an endo who takes my insurance. None do.

The second round of antibiotics didn’t do anything to stop pain while I took it and after I licked the grooves of the tooth and tasted pus decided I just need to suck it up and get it pulled.

So made an appointment on the 17th of this month to get it pulled. Well, luck be hold ended up in the hospital in DKA (diabetes complication on Monday before). I called and cancelled and because of holidays mt dentist can’t see me till the 30th.

So I’m trying to chill but today I’m having a full blown panic attack about it. Why? I’m not sure. Maybe I’m afraid the infection is in my jaw. Every time I yawn (nervous tic) it clicks and hurts. Maybe I’m afraid it’ll spread to my brain and kill me. That is something dentists here will tell me won’t happen (at least without other symptoms). So far, no swelling not even on gum. No outside abcess. I don’t think that’s something that needs to be repeated to me, logically I understand that I’d have swelling first if that was going to happen (which it rarely rarely does), just emotionally I think just as a person with health anxiety the fear will just exist till the tooth is out.

It wasn’t in my jaw when my dentist checked in November with x-rays for that tooth specifically. He said it wasn’t a bad infection, and would need to be left for awhile to go into my jaw. I do trust him logically, judt again emotionally, I think I’m having a hard time understanding how a small infection can hurt so much basically all the time.

Finally, I’m worried about the removal itself. What if I panic and can’t do it? My psych gave me Ativan for the appointment telling me to start with 0.5mg but I’m scared that won’t be enough. He told me I can take up to 1.5mg during the appointment if I want. I just literally fled my last appointment after I developed tunnel vision and I fear doing it again. I don’t want to lose this dentist because he’s like the best dentist I’ve ever had. He didn’t get mad at me for running out but told me if I wait too long he’ll have to do more than just crown them.

Has anyone had a molar pulled while awake? How was it? Lidocaine injections are my biggest fear cuz I’m scared I’ll react weird to them and die. But I’m also worried about it hurting, being a super long appointment, or something going on.

So yeah. This turned more into a vent, but I guess I am asking if anyone can weigh in on a tooth that’s been infected for awhile being pulled. Again, I’m not sure I need reassurance that I’m not going to die from it because I’ve been reassured by dentists here already. I think it’s just one of those things I’ll have to power through till it comes out.

Thanks anyone who has thoughts or advice. I need to do this. It’s probably a hour out of my life to not be having random attacks throughout the day that I’m dying or maybe my cheek is swollen or maybe this. Because this does suck lol. I think I’d just like to know more about how extractions work.

Also trying to convince myself it’s not that bad because I can eat on that side of my mouth. It’s really just touching the gum above that hurts (and gum has started to recede a little).
Hi CatLi,

this is a tough one as your anxiety is not about the fear of dentist but rather about health anxiety and fears connected to that. For fear of the dentist, there are plenty of things that can be done to get them used for treatment, but in your case, this is about fear of dying which rationally you know is not justified, but - as you describe it - emotionally it doesn't help. Have you been having any psychotherapy to tackle the health anxiety and were there any useful tools that you could transfer to the dental treatment you will need? If you have learned any relaxation techniques or tools to interrupt the cycle of a panix attacks, that may be useful as well. If not, than relying on medication may be the best way to go about things.
Also, what was it that triggered your panic attack back then as you stopped going?

Here is a free course on health anxiety. Not sure how much information you have about it or how much therapy have you had but you may find some bits and pieces that may help you to cope with the visit:

Also, here are some general ressources on fear of the dentist that may still be useful to you:
