• Dental Phobia Support

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Going to have my first extractions in less than 2 weeks and I am TERRIFIED

  • Thread starter Thread starter ilostmysoul
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Aug 12, 2014
Hey everyone.

I started fearing and being anxious of dentists when I got an injection directly in my nerve during a root canal. Up until then I was anxious but could deal with it fairly well because I had only had fillings, but after that I was terrified.

I tried to take better care of my teeth since then but apparently I've been neglecting them. I switched dentists, finished my RTCs with a new dentist, but they have now become problematic because she didn't do crowns. One upper molar where I had a RCT was constantly breaking but she would just refill it and move on. Earlier this year, maybe in January (?) or even earlier, she said there was nothing she could do for that tooth but that she didn't want to extract it either for whatever reason, so she told me to just let it be.

Recently went to 2 other dentists and both told me that tooth has to go *urgently*. The roots are pretty much exposed and I am at risk for an infection. Quoting "If you wait, you could be fine, or you could wake up tomorrow with that half of your face completely swollen and we would have to remove it on the spot". I'm scheduled for the extraction of that tooth + the tooth next to it on the 16th.

The first new dentist I went to made me absolutely scared of an extraction. I was sharing my painful RTC experience and she told me that extractions are much worse than RCT and that she would do an RCT 20 times over, including with that damn injection, than do an extraction. Second dentist told me not to worry, that the roots are so damaged the teeth are bound to come out easy and the only thing I have to worry about is the post-op, but now I don't know who to believe :c

Also, I spent the entire day reading on the subject that teeth extractions essentially always require an implant. I'm removing two adjacent back molars since I can barely see them I thought I could get by without them (dentist didn't mention them) but nope, apparently they are a long-term must.

So now I'm worried not only about the extractions, but also about the implants. I'm thinking of going back to my dentist tomorrow or Tuesday to ask her about implants since she didn't mention them. I've read that they require bone graph if there has been bone loss, and since I've had my roots exposed for almost 1yr in one tooth and the other other is completely destroyed too (but no RCT) I think I've already suffered some bone loss :c so now the bone graph process is stressing me too. Apparently they remove it form the hip and it requires an invasive surgery in a hospital setting?

I'm so worried about what I'm about to go through, can we just go back to fillings? :c
If it helps, I had a bottom back molar removed with no ill effect other than food gets stuck in the gap which is probably quarter of a cm, but to be fair I have three of my four wisdom teeth fully erupted (the fourth decided to be a no show). There's a bit if yanking but no worse an experience than anything else, imo. The worse part for me was when the nurse told me to bite on the gauze and I weirdly decided my bite had changed and I bit her (not hard) so she was short with me which in hindsight, fair.

I also have a non crowned RCT which was completed about 10 years ago and still here. I clench my teeth both sleeping and awake, so my dentist is very conservative about my treatment.

I think you would be best to ask your dentist all your questions as they are all valid but don't believe this bullcrap about how the procedures are so terrible. They aren't fun but they aren't torture either.
@dentalnelly Thank you for your answer!

I have a new fear now though :(

My dentist told me she was going to give me an injection in the roof of my mouth and I didn't think much of it at the time.

But now that I began to read more into it it seems as though it is considered the most painful dental injection.

I honestly don't think I can go through with treatment now, I'm scarred enough from an intrapulpal injection, I have no idea what to do.

I'm considering general anesthesia at this point for the extraction to not feel the pain of the injection. IV sedation would be an option but I'm not convinced it actually reduces pain, I kinda feel like it only prevents me from physically reacting to it or thinking about it and then forgetting about it when it is done.

My heart is racing right now just thinking about it and I'm 2 weeks away from treatment.
I've not had to be numbed in about 10 years but from memory it was a couple of sharp scrapes I wasn't keen on but they were over pretty quick.

I've had appointments under oral sedation (diazepam) which don't numb you or make you forget but you kinda just vibe. Or at least that's what it's like for me. Like I could be anxious but I'm fine. XD.

I think sedation would be good for you and something to raise. You don't have to raw dog it if you don't want to. It's your treatment plan.

I think you're steadily building up a worst case which I get but nothing about you tells me you can't do this. I think you need to be in control of it but you can do it.
@dentalnelly I don't know, I am VERY scared. I mean I could probably tough it out if needed but I really, really do not want to.

I found out through this forum there are electronic means to provide anesthetics that reduce discomfort and in particular prevent me from getting this damn injection.

So now I got in touch with their representatives and companies that are spreading these products around my area to see if I could get a reference.

I've already found 2 dentists who use it but both work kinda far - one of them is literally 5h away by train or car which I guess isn't ideal for an extraction.

But I don't know, I mean compared to being put under, getting an Uber there and back would still be cheaper, if they do indeed promise me pain-free extractions.

Fingers crossed

Hi there!
I saw your post and wanted to offer some encouragement. I have horrendous dental anxiety and did get 6 root canals under general anesthesia. When I developed an issue with some of the root canaled teeth, I opted for extraction. I have had 8 extractions and I can tell you the fear is the worst part. The injection was so quick, I barely registered it. I was awake with some Ativan medication and it was over so quickly.

I talked to the dentist about my fears. He let me bring my husband who sat by my feet. I brought a blanket and my headphones and listened to guided meditation. I could not believe how easy it was. There was some pressure but I never experienced pain.

You will be so relieved when it’s over. You can do this!
@ilostmysoul My first thought is - why do you need implants? It's your decision, not theirs. I have left gaps where three molars have been extracted and I am comfortable with these. Even if I lost a front tooth there are other options.

I have extractions done under sedation and have never felt a thing, or remembered a thing. I told my dentist that sedation is one of humanity's greatest inventions and she laughed. They still numb you for the work. IV is very much safer than GA. I suggest reading the experiences on this site.

I had a palatal injection for a root canal and I certainly felt it, but I am okay with injections (just can't bear any sensation in my teeth or gums). Deep breathing and knowledge that the pain will end in a few seconds gets me through. Also the nurse putting a reassuring hand on my arm helped.

All the best to you.
It's okay to be scared and not want to do it. I just don't want you to think you're not strong because you are. You're facing a Big Fear. Most people won't have to confront a Big Fear like this in their life let alone repeatedly. Give yourself grace and props.

It's a learning curve and a process. And everyone's fear is different. Like I'm not bothered by the actual procedures like lessgo but terrified of bad news which isn't solely dental. Health anxiety is a real thing in my family as we've lost so many people and for a variety of reasons. Someone else will be scared of the smells and sounds. How they get through it and I get through it are two different things. Both are incredibly valid. Health is always the most important thing here and I wish that for you. I hope you're doing well!