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Going to the dentist for the first time in 9 years...very worried

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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2021
I have not been to the dentist in over 9 years. Last time I went was for a root canal on my bottom molar in 2012, I believe. It might have been 2013, but I'm not sure. Anyway, I went to that same dentist in December 2020 when a little bit of pus was surrounding that tooth. She tried to save it, but told me it would need to be extracted and grinded the tooth way down until the appointment later that month.

I cancelled the appointment. I guess out of fear. Anyway, I went the entire year with this dead tooth in my mouth. It doesn't hurt, but I know it is not healthy to have it my mouth!! Around August, I noticed there is a moveable bump now under the tooth. Not visible when looking in the mirror or able to feel with tongue, but if I press on my gum I can feel it and see the bump and move it around. I also have my top wisdom that have been hurting. A week and a half ago, I finally made an appointment with an oral surgeon to have my consultation. He said it would be an easy procedure to remove the molar and 2 wisdom teeth and scheduled it for mid December. But I didn't ask about the bump and he didn't say anything about it! I really think it is a cyst... should I call the oral surgeon back and ask them to look at it?

Anyway at the time of the consultation I noticed that a premolar had a big dark area around the root. I know from obsessing over photos of x rays online that that is an infection. Called an endodontist and he did the tooth the next day. Now I am constantly freaking out that it will fail and I'll have to get this tooth removed too. I'm 28. I brushed my teeth, I flossed more often than I didn't, etc. My downfall is a sweet tooth and soda and candy habit that I've successfully mostly cut out in the past few months due to my dental fear. Can't say I miss it. I have an appointment with a new dentist in a week and a half for a full exam and x ray to get a dental plan. I know I have some other problem teeth with visible decay and a couple holes. Old fillings that feel off now. I know at minimum I'll need fillings, but I'm so worried I'll need more root canals. Or worse, more extractions!!! Bone loss! Gum disease! Cancer! I've told myself I have a month to live at one point. It's honestly ridiculous. I took out a loan already to pay for all this work and I don't even know what I actually need.

Visibly my teeth don't look that bad on the surface, but I'm still so scared of the moment the dentist sits me down and says "you need a lot of work!" And don't even get me started on the possible cyst... I try not to let myself spiral about that but I am worried. I don't know if it would be appropriate to call the oral surgeon and have them look at it before going to my new dentist, or to wait another week and a half for the full exam from my new dentist? What do you think?
Oooh boy i was in the same situation with not going to the dentist. I ended up needing a lot of work and actually had convinced myself I had a cyst as well. Luckily the endodontist said I did not. I still thought of all the worst case scenarios (and still kind of do…like right I think I have something way more serious going on with a tooth that needs to be extracted). Its better to address everything now rather than letting it fester and get worse!

definitely call the oral surgeon about the bump. I always give so much info to whichever medical person im seeing bc you never know. What we see as minor might actually be important for the doctor to know.
I’ve been psyching myself up for a year. Going to the oral surgeon finally gave me the courage to make the other appointments. The funny thing is once I’m in the chair getting the work done, I’m not that freaked out. I almost fell asleep during my root canal! It’s the healing afterwards and the anticipation of what could be wrong that sends me into a nervous spiral.

But you’re so right. The realization that the longer I wait, the worse it will be is what finally made me call. I think I’ll call the oral surgeon Monday and see what they say. Give me one less thing to obsess over and imagine worse case scenario for until my full exam lol!

I’m glad yours wasn’t a cyst! My boss told me his sons friend has a very large cyst in his mouth that he has to have removed and his surgeon told him he’s going to lose a ton of bone and his face will sink in a bunch. Not what I needed to hear before getting it looked at, thats for sure. Mines relatively small so if it is a cyst, but I want it gone whatever it is
Im the same way. Once im in the chair and numb, im good. My first root canal was a breeze. But the after part had me freaked. I was so worried but was ok after a few days. The after care of my upcoming extraction/bone graft has me worried. ?

Talking to OS will definitely put your mind at ease!

I think youll be ok with your cyst!

The cyst issue you mentioned before can be of a concern to the patient but less to the dentist really, because whether there is a cyst or not is not importnat and does not change the treatment.
I talk about thoughts about possible diagnoses in my video about dental worrying

I am very glad to read the root canal treatment worked well for you. If you liked that dentist, stay with them. It is not helpful to switch between dentists too much because every dentist has a different perspective and opinion about what is needed to be done. Stick to one dentist who will stay responsible for your dental health.