Former Member
So on Saturday my ex boyfriend broke into my apartment and decided to give me a heavy blow to the mouth. (Luckily I had my friends over while this happened) but after I got hit in the mouth it was bleeding profusely due to a major fat lip and my tooth went almost all the way through my lip. I pressed charges against him and all that stuff but my left lateral incisor is still really sore and wiggly after the fact and red and a little bloody. I can move it up and down more than back and forth and it is quite painful when I accidentally bite on it. I was in dental hygiene courses for just around a year and I know that loose adult teeth can tighten back up but I dont have dental insurance or the funds to pay for it at this time to make the trip to the dentist, which is extremely unfortunate.... I'm just curious as to how much moving is acceptable for it to be able to tighten up without a splint or a trip to the dentist and if moving up and down is a MAJOR problem. Thank you for the help a ton.