• Dental Phobia Support

    Welcome! This is an online support group for anyone who is has a severe fear of the dentist or dental treatment. Please note that this is NOT a general dental problems or health anxiety forum! You can find a list of them here.

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  • Thread starter Thread starter kellyrosie88
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Feb 18, 2020
Hi All,
I am petriffied of the dentist and my very back molar has now half of it missing, i dont have any pain it's just sharp rubbing against my tongue, has anyone else had this happen and what did the dentist do?
I have had a crown before and root canal and it was the worst experience of my life, do you think ill have to have one again even if there is no pain? i am absolutely petrified and needed fillings about 10 years ago but because im so scared i dont go, please anyone can you offer support or what happened in a similar circumstance?
Hi All,
I am petriffied of the dentist and my very back molar has now half of it missing, i dont have any pain it's just sharp rubbing against my tongue, has anyone else had this happen and what did the dentist do?
I have had a crown before and root canal and it was the worst experience of my life, do you think ill have to have one again even if there is no pain? i am absolutely petrified and needed fillings about 10 years ago but because im so scared i dont go, please anyone can you offer support or what happened in a similar circumstance?
My sister just had this happen to a second molar however for her she had that molar root canal on it before and her dentist told her it couldn’t be rebuilt again. She didn’t have pain or anything I guess since it had a root canal done in it before anyway She opted to just have it extracted. A friend had a similar experience and they were able to rebuild it. I guess it depends on the situation. Lol guess I wasn’t of that much help answering your question ?. Wishing you the best possible outcome though :clover:
It may not be as bad as you think, sometimes what feels huge to your tongue can be much smaller in reality! Best bet is to see a dentist ASAP before your tongue gets really sore from rubbing, they should at least be able to pop something over it to keep it smooth :)
I had a large chunk of a back upper molar break off once. At the time it felt huge, like 3/4 of my tooth was missing. In reality it was a smaller piece and the dentist at the time just put a brace/mold around it and made a filling. Later I had a crown put on it, but that was several years later.
The point is that it wasn’t as bad as what it seemed to be. I was terrified at the time, as I had never had more than a filling previously and it felt like most of my tooth was gone.
I went today for now i have a temporary filling in however, i have to go back because ive been leaving all my fillings for years and he said if i dont go back within the next few months to have an xray and all the work im going to need at least another two route canals which i just cant handle but absolutely petrified of having 5 plus fillings done, im trying not to think about it for now ?
Well done on going.. was the dentist nice? Regarding having to go back.. I would say welcome to the forum, which is the biggest resource you could find when it comes to dental fear. You will find a lot of materials here that hopefully will help you tackle your fear and get to a point of being able to get the dental care you need. If you take a look around you will find many members who started like you and are now happy and able to cope with visits.

All the best wishes and keep us posted