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Has anybody ever encountered something like this?

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Junior member
Dec 24, 2014
Hello all!

I hope you're all doing well.I hope all your journies are going well also. I'm currently in the market for two implants when I can afford them.

However, on my right jawline, closer to my chin, I've had this like lump, it feels hard, almost like a pimple that hasn't come to a head yet. However, I tried googling it and it comes up with a 'dental abscess' which it isn't (or I don't think.) none of my teeth are bothering me. No sensitive to hot and cold. No pus pockets on my gums like my other ones. I've been flossing/brusing/mouthwash x2 a day. I'm just not sure what to make of it? The lump itself hurts but nothing relating to my teeth/gums.

Any ideas? I plan on going to the doctor and I've got a dental cleaning coming up.
Your mouth has a lot of wierd bumps and stuff in it, and they grow and change shape as you get older also. I wouldn't worry too much about this unless aliens come out of it or something.
Sounds like a lymph node to me. Have you just got over a cold?
Is this bump in your lip area? It is most likely what's called a mucocele if it is. Completely harmless. It's basically just a mad salivary gland. These you would be able to feel with your tongue in front of your front teeth

Kolya, RDH