Male, Age 49, upper right wisdom tooth removed yesterday morning. Thankfully, I had only one wisdom tooth come in. I was a nervous wreck for a couple days prior, especially the night before when I didn't sleep. I spent half the time trying to figure out why I was nervous. (Perhaps repressed memory from root canal at age 16.) Part of me was looking forward to nitrous oxide for the first time. Now for the procedure.
When you are asked about your medications, please remember to include non-prescription drugs such as Aspirin. I take asipirin and failed to mention it. Recovery is bad enough for those over 40. Don't make it worse! (I'm thinking of a line from "Cool Hand Luke.") The first two novacain shots were easy, didn't feel a thing. But the shot to the roof of my mouth <insert expletive>! The nitrous had no effect on me that I could tell. I was very much aware, very nervous and still cared. The actual extraction took about 2 minutes. After that, the dentist inserted gauze and sent me home with several prescriptions. Five hours later, I was still bleeding very heavily; more than normal. Had to go back in. This time I told the doc about the aspirin. That was the culprit for the excessive bleeding. He inserted some type of surgical gell (it hurt), packed more gauze and sent me home. During the evening I replaced the gauze several times, including adding in a large tea bag. By 1130pm I was still bleeding heavily and getting the shakes. By bleeding heavily I mean that I spent a lot of time over the sink letting the blood ooze out before I switched gauze. This time (0145 today) I used a regular, small compact tea bag. That did the trick and I was able to finally get some uninterrupted sleep. It's now noon and I removed the tea bag, hopefully for the last time. I haven't not eaten anything for over 40 hours. But after the bloody mess, I'm still not hungry.