• Dental Phobia Support

    Welcome! This is an online support group for anyone who is has a severe fear of the dentist or dental treatment. Please note that this is NOT a general dental problems or health anxiety forum! You can find a list of them here.

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Have a teen with dental phobia, help!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Oliveoyl
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Junior member
Jan 11, 2006
Hi, I am the mother of a 13 yo daughter who has had trouble with going to the dentist since the beginning.  After her first appointment, we were told that we *had* to brush her teeth no matter how hard it would be, so it took the two of us - one to hold her down, the other to brush her teeth.  I now regret doing it this way, as I am sure it was the beginning of the whole thing.  So every time we have gone to a dentist since, she has made it very difficult to get her to the dentist (unlike her two younger sisiters who are angels when it comes to the dentist!)  She has even brought a big cast iron knife with her (supposedly to kill the dentist) which I of course would not allow her to bring in the office when I discovered she had it in the car!!  Well, today was another one of those times, only this time I was afraid for *my* life..She was mad because the old dentist said she only needed 2 fillings, and when the dentist called them, they said she needed 3, and they only did one today.  Part of what she hates, is not sleeping for several days before her appointment in fear of it.  I have told her and my dh that I will not take her any more.  He of course says he can't take time off from work (workaholic) - and he thinks we should still make her go till she is 18.  Help!!
Hi Oliveoyl and [smiley=welcome.gif]
Gosh, well done you for looking for help with your daughter. Sounds like you both had some tough times in the past with the tooth brushing. [smiley=scared.gif] First thought that occurs to me is have you and she had a chance to chat through those days? Just wondered if you've been able to tell her that you now regret what you were told to do...and if she's been able to talk to you about where her fears may have come from?