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Having 8 cavities filled and I'm terrified

  • Thread starter Thread starter JenniL
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Oct 19, 2021
New york
I am due to have 8 cavities filled tbis Thursday. They are all on the bottom as i have an all on 4 snap on denture on top. I have super high dental anxiety. Will my fillings hurt after ? How long does it generally take to fill a cavity? Will i be able to eat after ? Will i be in a lot of pain? Please someone help to ease my mind ??
1) No they really shouldn't, occasionally they can be a little bit sensitive for 24hrs or so, but not routinely
2) How long is a piece of string? :-) Too many variables to answer.
3) Yes
4) No
Thank you for answering my questions
Try to relax as much as you can and make sure you tell the dentist how anxious you are so they can take extra time reassuring you etc.

Iv had a fair few fillings unfortunately and never had any be painful during the procedure. The initial injection may hurt for a second when needle goes In but after a second it should be fine again.

They should give you a stop signal such as to raise your hand if it hurts or you need a break.

Depending where in my mouth I have had a filling, sometimes the jaw hurts/aches for a couple of days afterwards.

Wishing you lots of luck. You will be fine.
Good luck tomorrow. You got this!! Once it’s over you will wonder why you were stressing. Let us know how the appointment goes.
@Ladydi1724 had them done an it wasnt to bad. But now i have to go have my bite fixed tomorrow because I'm getting pain when chewing on one side and im nervous only bc i never know what to expect ?!
Fixing the bite is dead easy on the patient, just a bit of grinding and lots of faffing about with bite registration paper by the dentist. Try your best to relax and not "help" the dentist, you want a nice normal bite record, if you see what I mean?
@Gordon thank you I am having hard a time telling where the bite is off so i hope that paper helps them figure it out
@Gordon my bite was not off. She did an x-ray and everything looked good but when she flossed between 2 teeth I get a pretty sharp pain. Could that just be sensitivity ?
it could be. Have you read the FAQ about composites and post op sensitivity?
@Gordon I read the article . so what should I do ? Go back an have her check it again or wait a little longer and see if the sensitivity goes down? She's a really goos dentist an has been trust worthy throught out my last year an a half of treatment as i hadnt been to the dentist in years . or as her to re do the filling or put more light on it ? I dont really know what to do
@Gordon its also just been 2 weeks yesterday having it them filled
Is it improving or staying the same? If it's the latter I'd give them a call and see what they suggest. Composite fillings are very, very technique sensitive, it doesn't mean that the dentist has done anything badly wrong with them for them not to be totally right afterwards.
Staying the same.
@Gordon its not as bad as when it first happened but still hurts a little if I eat something that's hard .
It might just need a slight adjustment to the bite then, I'd give them a call.
@Gordon they checked my bite twice an said it was fine. But only checked the one side. My bite doesn't feel off