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Healing slowly from upper tooth extraction, and now sinus problems

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Junior member
Jan 29, 2019
Decatur, Alabama

I'm freaking out a bit. I had a tooth pulled two weeks ago to the day. It was an upper tooth, behind my eye tooth. I had a dental appointment a couple of days ago and the dentist thinks I'm just healing really slow due to crappy immune system. She wasn't concerned. Today I woke up with severe sinus issues, migraine, clogged up. Most concerning my sinuses are tender to the physical touch. It hurts between my eyes and bridge of nose. Is this related? Should I be concerned even though I just saw a dentist? She didn't think I had an infection, but I read spit can travel up in your sinuses with upper tooth sockets. Any advice would be great, feeling scared.
If you have a sinus issues, yes it's normal for your sinuses to be tender to touch. The pressure is building up in your sinus and it has difficulty going out.

For the spit travelling up your sinuses, do you notice liquid coming out from your nostril when drinking or air going from the nose to your mouth when breathing? Your dentist is trained to protect your sinuses for this to have the least amount of chance to happen, so the chances are quite low.
Every time I have had work done on an upper tooth (root canal, extraction, apicoectomy), I have gotten a sinus infection. My doctor told me that working near the sinus can aggravate it.

When I had an apico on an upper molar, the endo actually did punch into the sinus cavity, which we knew was a high possibility. It healed well, although I had a nasty congestion for a week. I knew the monent the sinus was invaded, as there was a rush of liquid that ran down my throat during the procedure.

I recently had an apico on my front upper tooth, and my sinuses are sore to the touch and feel full, even though I don't have congestion. I have been seeing an Ear/Nose/Throat doctor throughout all this and he also said it was normal and not to worry. He said to take a sudafed when the pressure was really bothering me.

I'm freaking out a bit. I had a tooth pulled two weeks ago to the day. It was an upper tooth, behind my eye tooth. I had a dental appointment a couple of days ago and the dentist thinks I'm just healing really slow due to crappy immune system. She wasn't concerned. Today I woke up with severe sinus issues, migraine, clogged up. Most concerning my sinuses are tender to the physical touch. It hurts between my eyes and bridge of nose. Is this related? Should I be concerned even though I just saw a dentist? She didn't think I had an infection, but I read spit can travel up in your sinuses with upper tooth sockets. Any advice would be great, feeling scared.
I had an upper tooth pulled 2 weeks ago & I have bleeding from my nose sinus dripping out of nose eyes & throat my dentist didn't think it was so bad REALLY I'm also on antibiotics seeing an ENT Dr. tomorrow I hope you feel better