Former Member
Well, after puting it off a year, the wisdom teeth need to come out. My mouth is small, at least that's what the dentist say. Anyway I had braces through out high school so everyone was worried about my impacted teeth(4) might screw my teeth up. I had two teeth pulled before at the same time once and it wasn't too bad, a lot of pressure is all I remember. Anyway I went to see the oral surgeon last went and they made me watch a video. The vid had no positive outcomes LOL. At the end it said it was possibly fatal. AHHHHHHHHH I have read a bunch of horror stories. People have said ahhh its 1 and a million. THATS TOO MUCH. LOL it just seems so many thing could go wrong while under GA. Anyway my operation is on the 20th. HAHAHA I dread it. ![Party [smiley=party.gif] [smiley=party.gif]](/forum/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/dfcsmilies/party.gif)
![Party [smiley=party.gif] [smiley=party.gif]](/forum/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/dfcsmilies/party.gif)