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HELP!! I have tooth pain in a recently filled tooth.



Junior member
Aug 27, 2015
Ok July 16 I got a cavity filled on the tooth right beside my left front tooth. Now it hurts!! Like a mother!! It hurts the worse when pressure is applied to it. I haven't been back to the dentist since then. It started hurting about 2 weeks ago and at first it was just a dull constant ache now it's still a constant ache but much worse!! I have tried using an over the counter pain med but it's not working and I also been using Kanka, a tooth pain reliever that can be applied directly to tooth, but that's not helping either. Also it was pain just to colds but now it just hurts and to hot and cold. I can't even breathe in cold air without it hurting. I haven't told my parents about it yet because I don't want them to get mad and also we're having major money problems right now. Do you think it's serious or maybe will go away on it's own after a while?
I think this needs to be looked at by a dentist.

it could be that if it's a deep filling, the pulp/nerve has become inflamed and could be infected, only a dentist by checking and taking x Rays will be able to give you a definitive diagnosis, that being the case they will most likely prescribe antibiotics which should help then you can look at getting it treated.

I wouldn't advise leaving it, it's best to get it checked out ( I know that's probably going to be tough).

hope you get on OK.
You need to see the dentist. It could be something as simple as the filling is high and needs to be adjusted (very, very easy and painless). Or, like Spike said, it could be something more serious. There's no way to know without having a dentist look at it though :-(