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HELP NEEDED partial dentures

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To Young To Be A Grandma

Junior member
Mar 10, 2009
Coventry UK
:-?Hi does anyone know??
Would i get a better fit from a private partial denture rather than the NHS one i had fitted three weeks ago due to my crown decaying underneath, i do not seem to be able to eat correctly as keep catching it on upper teeth,and keeps coming loose, my dentist has said that a bridge is not possible due to a weak tooth (been root filled and crowned) next to where the tooth broke off from, also due to a problem with my bite says a bridge would.not last,
Someone help please!!!
Am I right that you had an extraction 3 weeks ago and this is an immediate denture? If so then you'd be wasting your time/money on any kind of replacement denture right now. The gums take at least 6 months to heal properly after extraction, so if you got a new denture then after 6 months it wouldn't fit properly. Obviously this is a bit of a generalisation but it's true for most people.

Have you been back to have the denture adjusted since it was fitted? Most immediate dentures need a fair amount of mucking about to get them satisfactory for a variety of reasons.
No i did not have extraction it has broke off because my tooth decayed underneath, do not know if temp denture or what, my dentist wanted to leave me with a gap, which i found unacceptable as right at front he did not say it was temp, Would you recommend having root out or leave it alone. Its not causing a problem as root filled approx 15 years ago.:(
The tooth decayed through and broke off and the dentist has just left the root in and stuck a partial denture on top of it?

Is there some medical reason why you can't get the tooth out? Heart problems? Recent stroke, that kind of thing?
Yes that is what he appears to have done, no medical reason to my knowledge, except i am terrified!!
I did not think there was a problem leaving the root in but thinking about it the denture will not fit properly, will it?
He did offer me a implant at a price way out of my reach £2200 for one tooth or £3300 for two fitted on one implant, he said if i had implant he would remove root and i would not feel a thing.:(
He also said i could have a bridge but would not recommend it due to tooth n ext to one decayed is also crowned, thus weak?? Also said there is another way to bridge other that filing teeth down called a maryland bridge but something to do with my bite means he would not recommend that either!
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No, the denture could still fit properly if it was designed to fit over the root. TBH I can't see any good reason for not taking the root out though.

Depends on the state of the next door tooth whether a bridge is viable or not. I think maybe you should look for a second opinion.

A maryland type bridge is not an option if the tooth has a crown on it.
Thanks for your advice

I have a appointment on 18th June i will see what happens, i might only have a immediate denture and will get a better fit after a new one is made.:-?

Is that right a get a new one or old one re-modeled or something?

Do you think it would be better to have root removed if you were me?

IF the root is to be left in i could get a private denture ASAP then???

But do you think i would get a better fit on a private denture? The missing tooth is right at the front in my lower jaw.

Sorry for all the questions but i am terrified of the dentist and i am worried that something may go wrong, oh it already has my tooth has fallen out!!
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I would get the root out and have the denture rebased/resurfaced so that it fits properly. Again, without seeing it then I don't have much of a clue why the present one feels so "off".

You can expect an NHS denture to be satisfactory for use, it may not be the last word in aesthetics but it should generally do the job. A private one should look better (through use of more expensive materials etc) but shouldn't really FIT better.
Thanks very much for you help in this matter Gordon8-)
I am due to have my 2 front teeth out and a partial in 10 days...they have drifted badly so that one sticks right out and the other has drifted in towards the roof of my mouth, they are very uncomfortable and don't look good . I have advanced periodontitis and apparently there is no other option as I have lost too much bone. The tooth that sticks out is also a bit loose but dentist says it could last another 12 months though it will drift out even more, also the root is becoming exposed as there is so much gum recession.
I had a tooth out at the back about 9 months ago and had a partial that I could not tolerate so decided to cope with a gap. As this is my front teeth however this will not be an option and I will have to get used to the denture. I am really worried and am in a bit of a catch 22 situation...by not getting things sorted out now I am only putting off the inevitable.....*:'(
I chickened out and cancelled the denture as my mouth seemed to be feeling better. However this appears to have been temporary and am in more discomfort than ever.
I just can't pluck up the courage to get things sorted. I am so frustrated....
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