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Help! (Serious Answers Only!)



Junior member
Jan 16, 2012
I never brush my teeth, I can tell I have horrible breath and staining on my teeth. What should I do to improve this? I don't know why I don't brush my teeth, I just don't for some reason. Do you have anything that is fast and you would recommend? I really need help, please don't judge, I really don't brush my teeth, and I don't need any negative comments.:confused:
1) Sort out a dental appointment with a view to getting them professionally cleaned - you may as well start from a good place if you're going to start at all.

2) Since you admit you have no reason not to brush them, why not start doing so ?? Buy an electric toothbrush if you don't want to scrub manually - most dentists recommend them ( unless something's changed since I last asked :) )
I think you are going to have to work out why you don't brush your teeth and start from there. Only you can answer this question. But I have some suggestions/thoughts..
* you don't like the sensation
* you don't like the taste of toothpaste
* you like having plaque on your teeth ( my son is like this )

I would suggest that you try to brush your teeth and work out what it is you don't like.
I promise that this was a serious answer to your question :)
1) Sort out a dental appointment with a view to getting them professionally cleaned - you may as well start from a good place if you're going to start at all.

2) Since you admit you have no reason not to brush them, why not start doing so ?? Buy an electric toothbrush if you don't want to scrub manually - most dentists recommend them ( unless something's changed since I last asked :) )

I had them cleaned like 4 months ago, I can't come back until May. It's really just because I am just too LAZY to brush them, are there any alternatives? I don't like the fact that I need to hold the brush and I don't like the felling of toothpaste, is there anything I can do that is just like brushing teeth? But without a brush?
I think you are going to have to work out why you don't brush your teeth and start from there. Only you can answer this question. But I have some suggestions/thoughts..
* you don't like the sensation
* you don't like the taste of toothpaste
* you like having plaque on your teeth ( my son is like this )

I would suggest that you try to brush your teeth and work out what it is you don't like.
I promise that this was a serious answer to your question :)

Thanks for the advice! I actually don't like the feeling of the brush and the toothpaste all together and I am quite lazy, any alternatives to brushing teeth and no I HATE the feeling of plaque.
The only fast and easy solution is buying a toothbrush and start brushing your teeth. You don't have to have perfect technique the first time, just start doing it, and you'll get better. You don't even have to use toothpaste, you can get plenty clean without. Mouthwash will not solve this, no mouthwash can dissolve and get rid of all impurities in your mouth.

If you haven't brushed your teeth in a while, you'll most likely have a layer of hardened plaque known as calculus on your teeth. If you book an appointment with a dentist or dental hygienist, they'll be able to remove it for you, and it will be easier for you to keep your teeth clean in the future.

I don't know what you expected, but this is the only serious answer I can give.
As far as I know there is no other effective way of cleaning your teeth without a brush. I suppose you could try using a cloth but that will not be as good as a brush. I guess it's better than nothing though :) Maybe a waterpik as well?
By the way I don't believe you when you say you are lazy - maybe thats just what other people tell you and you have come to believe it. But posting here is the beginning of finding some answers for yourself :)
Hi there.

Have you tried distracting yourself while you brush? I have a kind of mouth phobia and a strong gag reflex so I really don't like brushing my teeth - I feel sick and gag etc - so I have something to read while I brush, so I'm not concentrating on what's going on in my mouth so much. If laziness is a big problem, this could make brushing more 'entertaining' too....well, depending on what you read! :rolleyes:

The others are right, though. There just isn't a shortcut. Whilst some things could definitely help you (different brush, different toothpaste, distraction etc), in the end it's your choice either to brush your teeth, or not to. The only way you can have a healthy mouth is to choose to brush.

I will say, you may be surprised how quickly you develop new habits. I went through a few years of brushing my teeth very infrequently, and hated the idea of starting to brush regularly again. But having decided to do it, I kind of made myself brush them every night for a week...and before I knew it, it had become part of my routine. Now, even though I still don't like doing them, and wish I didn't have to, I can't imagine going to bed without it.

The most important time to brush is before bed, so why not try tonight? Forget toothpaste, just brush, for 1 minute. (If you're not sure how, try looking on youtube for an instruction video.) Every change has to start somewhere. :)

Also, there's some further information here:

I had them cleaned like 4 months ago, I can't come back until May.

Why? NHS? If so you might benefit from a decent private professional clean which should last from 30 mins to 6o mins, rather than just being a quick scrape during a check-up. Assuming that is what it was.
Distraction is great btw - the others have given good advice. I would also suggest an electric brush.

If you got a top-notch professional clean where your teeth are left feeling really smooth and nice to touch with your tongue, that alone could motivate you to brush?
Thank you everyone for the answers, but I don't think any of them help me. I would love it if I could just start brushing my teeth regularly, but I know that's not going to happen. I really need a shortcut or an alternative, what about the Waterpik®?
Hi again thanhv.

A Waterpik supplements but can't replace brushing. (It's more like an alternative to flossing.) Nothing can. I'm afraid no-one can give you the answer you're looking for, because it doesn't exist. There is no 'shortcut or alternative' you can do instead of brushing.

I know that's not what you want to hear, but if any of us told you otherwise, we wouldn't really be helping you.

Can I ask, what about the Waterpik makes it seem so different to you from brushing? It would still take time and effort to do every day.
The waterpik has a toothbrush attachment but it runs out of water before you can properly brush, it is however a good alternative for folks who don't floss. I waterpik first with the mighty plaque buster tip :giggle: then brush.
-You need to figure out a way to make it part of your daily routine, like combing your hair or showering.
-Buy products if that helps, different rinses or toothpastes make it more interesting
-Brush before you are too tired at night, like right after dinner or evening snack.
-Grab some reading material, put the seat down and sit and brush while you do something else, if you "go everyday, you'll brush everyday"
-I definetly agree with the electric toothbrush - let technology do the work
-If you are male, don't shave unless you've brushed your teeth, female no make-up until you brush

It really is habit and routine like anything else, change your perspective to not optional..........

here I thought you were going to like my "put the seat down" suggestion
ahhhh, she gotcha there...............welcome back P
Hi thanhv,
I must say I have never come across this in 23 years of practice.
I guess the possibilities are:
1) You are winding us up or trolling as it is known. ;D

2) You are lazy. Like others have said I just don’t buy it. Posting on a forum like this takes effort itself. Are you too lazy to wipe your ar*e too?:o

3) There are other issues that are preventing you from brushing. This would be best explored with a sympathetic dentist or hygienist. The problem is that many dentists, especially those working in the NHS feel that they do not have the time needed to have the necessary discussions. If you find a sympathetic dentist or hygienist cannot help you, it might be an idea to seek psychiatric help. Please do not take this the wrong way. If we take your postings at face value then this route may be the only one to stand any chance of success.

Hope this helps
