• Dental Phobia Support

    Welcome! This is an online support group for anyone who is has a severe fear of the dentist or dental treatment. Please note that this is NOT a general dental problems or health anxiety forum! You can find a list of them here.

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I'm 16 years old and I have gone to the dentist every 6 months or so all of my life. I have never had a cavity (I have dental sealants on all of my back teeth), don't need braces, I'm told I have excellent teeth. Still, I am terrified every time I go to the dentist something will be wrong! I can't remember any traumatic experiences but I'm always scared I'll have a cavity or something. I always remind myself how I've been frightened before and nothing wrong has been found but that still doesn't help. :'( I go to the dentist tomorrow for my regular checkup and I'm afraid just like I always am [smiley=scared.gif] :( Somebody please help! Thanks!
Hi [smiley=welcome.gif]

Firstly, good luck with your appointment tomorrow 8-) Hopefully you'll get this message before you go.

Being scared or nervous of the dentist is more common than you might think - it's just that most people are too embarrassed or ashamed to admit it. Dental fear or phobia can also take many forms and affect different people in different ways - some are so terrified that they haven't been to the dentist for years while others are just as terrified but are trying to overcome their fears and have managed to make their first appointment back at the dentists (sometimes after a very long absence!).

Like you, up until I was 16 I had 'perfect teeth' - they're all straight, I didn't need braces, never had any fillings (only had sealant on the back teeth). I never liked going to the dentist either, in fact I've always been terrified from the first appointment when I was about 2 years old (long story - I won't bore you with the details :P). Every six months I went for regular checkups (didn't really have much choice - my mum always took me :-/) until one day I went for the first time on my own when I was about 16. I was told that I'd probably need a filling at the next visit in 6 months. The thought of that scared me so much that there never was another appointment in 6 months - it was 7 years later!

From experience (<--- this makes me sound really old but I'm only 26 myself! :P), the most important bit of advice I would give is this; No matter how scared you are, whatever you do, don't stop going for checkups/appointments. If you do, it can make things 10 times harder to make an appointment again (I found it really hard - it took me months to pluck up the courage to make that appointment 7 years later).

Is there anything in particular that scares you or is it just the great fear of the unknown and the thought of any sort of treatment that scares you?

Quite often we hear stories from other people such as "I went to the dentist this morning, had a filling and it hurt like hell!". We might not realise it at the time but it can all contribute to making us feel scared :-/. Dental treatment shouldn't hurt at all (you can always threaten to bite their fingers if it does [smiley=evil.gif] (Only joking!)), the worst you might feel is a bit of soreness maybe but not enough to worry about. Sometimes things are a bit sore afterwards - but that's what painkillers are for!

People tend to always imagine the worst (I know I do) so by the time you get to your appointment, you're absolutely convinced you need a filling or worse - and this can make you even more nervous in itself.

If you're worried about any treatment (if you need any), your dentist should be willing to explain everything to you before he or she does it and also talk you through it if you think it would help you. Don't be afraid to ask them about this - that's what they're there for :).

Hope this helps - please feel free to post if you have any questions or need advice/support etc :D
Hi Vicki, thanks for your quick and lengthy response! That was a very good help. [smiley=jumping.gif]

I'm not afraid at all of having my teeth cleaned, x-rays made, etc but I'm always afraid that I'll be told I have a cavity or something...I try to tell myself I always get worked up for nothing but that doesn't help much either. [smiley=scared.gif] I'm actually looking forward to going in a way and getting it over with because I've been worrying about it constantly almost for the past month and I've worn myself out over it [smiley=confused.gif]