• Dental Phobia Support

    Welcome! This is an online support group for anyone who is has a severe fear of the dentist or dental treatment. Please note that this is NOT a general dental problems or health anxiety forum! You can find a list of them here.

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Here i go again !! (UK)

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Junior member
Mar 11, 2015
Hello all,hope your all well.
This is my first post and to be honest I cant believe im posting on a forum like this.
Ill start at the beginning.
When I was a youngster and at junior school probably around 8 or 9 we used to have a nurse visit our school from the local clinic who would look at our teeth and advise our parents of any treatment that was needed.
My mam was told I needed back teeth removing to provide room for my 2nd teeth.
So a visit to the clinic was made and in I went unaware of the procedure.Looking back now what took place next was barbaric and unsympathetic.I was put on the chair and made to lie back at which point my arms were pinned down and strapped down my legs were given the same treatment and my head was placed in from what I can remember a chock like instrument to prevent me moving side to side.As if it couldn't get worse my last memory was a large man came into view upside down and forced a large rubber mask on my face which I have a strong memory of being forced down until the suction made it stick to my face.The last thing I can vividly remember was my own muffled screams and being alone and unable to move as I went under the anesthetic.
A few week after the procedure I remember I was having trouble with my teeth and was signed up at the now family dentist that reported the tooth had been smashed and further treatment was needed to remove roots that were still present in the gum.
Since this along time ago I have always had what I call a phobia about the dentist and in the last few years have had to have 3 teeth out through one reason or another and every time im petrified with fear about the whole experience in fact making matters worse the 3rd and latest tooth to be removed required 15 yes 15 needles to numb me up.I was given 7 shots one day and had to leave the surgery because they couldn't get me numb and this was the most they could administer,so the following week was told to return and was given another 5 shots which again failed to numb me and was then referred to Manchester Dental Hospital for 2 kids to mess about with the tooth and give me a further 3 shots then failed to remove the tooth and having to call the head teacher who eventually got it out.The out come was me being told I have an anatomically complex nervous system in my mouth (what the hell is this?)
Well enough about my past and back to the present day,today.
I have had a filling that has been slowly breaking up and I know I needed to get it sorted out but couldn't find it in me to go to the dentist in case I was told it had to come out.The pain recently has been getting me down and today I went had my check and everything else was ok but my worst thoughts became reality and I was told the tooth had to come out,not only that one but the one next to it also,making matters worse this is the 2 teeth next to the one that needed the 15 needles.They were told quite bluntly NO WAY was I going through another extraction not again please I couldn't take it.
I was then told I could be given a sedation called midazolam.Im hoping this could be the end of my dental fears and would like to hear off anybody who has had this and how it was for them.
By the way im 44 and hate carrying this burden of hating dental visits,i think its time things changed as I now have a lad myself of 16 and have to say dentist are a good place to go when deep inside im petrified of them myself.
Ill sign off now ive got all this off my chest,it wasn't easy to tell the world but eh its done now.
Looking forward to read any replies and thank you in advance for your time.

Just wanted to say welcome. What you went through is awful and nobody should have to endure that. Dental work should always be able to be done without pain. It sounds like, unfortunately, your previous dentists were not very skilled. Midazolam (Versed) can be used for sedation for dental procedures, but it is not an anesthetic. You need to be sure to find a skilled dentist can get your teeth numb despite whatever the anatomy is that makes it difficult (I also have been told that this is why it is difficult to for me to get numb, but have found that some dentists have techniques that allow them to get my teeth numb with 1 or 2 injections).

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