• Dental Phobia Support

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Here we go again

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I was all set to go for immediates for the two front lower ones, but im petrified that they w
ill break off during the impressions being taken ( i refused that appointment today ):(

I dont want to take another step back!.

Hope you dont mind me asking this, but is there not another name we could addres you by? I hate calling you freakout (but understand why you chose the name in the first place)
You can call me Lynn, but believe me freakout definately fits today [smiley=frightened.gif] I can see your concern re: impressions. I did not have to worry about breaking anything, because an accident had already broken all of my top teeth, was I a sight. My teeth were very bad to begin with, I used to hope something would happen to make me go to the dentist...Careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. I wish I had found this site before, I found it after I had the 18 teeth extracted and was working up my nerve to go back and have the bottom teeth worked on.

I am trying to go through every possible thing the dentist will say tomarrow, so ther are no surprises, surprises will make me panic [smiley=frightened.gif] I just try to remind myself of something my relative said "You know he is not going to hurt you"
Thank you lynn,
The only thing I wish for is a time machine.........either to go back in time and look after my teeth , (last time i went , i had four extracted, and only needed 3 or 4 fillings, which i didnt go back for! and here i am........20 years later!!!) or a machine to go forward and it all being over!
Time travel would be great! If I could travel back I would never have seen the dentist who caused alot of my phobia [smiley=frightened.gif] But sense its not I will try to focus on how well my current dentist has treated me. It is hard, after I see the dentist I think, I can do this, but when there are long periods in between appointments, the fear returns. I think why not just stop putting myself through this agony, but I don't want to lose anymore teeth. I just keep seeing the chair go back and hearing "Let's numb you up" [smiley=scared.gif] [smiley=scared.gif] [smiley=scared.gif]
Well it has been a rough day, real bad headache I am sure it is due to stress and lack of sleep. Who knows, maybe because I didn't sleep last night, I will be so exhausted I will sleep tonight LOL 8-) As long as I don't have the graphic nightmares that I did last night I will be fine.
freakout said:
But sense its not I will try to focus on how well my current dentist has treated me. It is hard, after I see the dentist I think, I can do this, but when there are long periods in between appointments, the fear returns.

Some people find it helpful to mentally "rehearse" all the bits that went really well on a regular (daily) basis between appointments - might be worth a try if you reckon that might be helpful to you :).

I hope you'll be able to get a really good night's sleep tonight [smiley=cloud9.gif] - and all the best for tomorrow [smiley=grouphug.gif]!!!
Well I just got back from the dentist :( Not really sure I can say it went well, but it went OK. I told him about the other teeth that I was having problems with. He said that the gumline looked bad and that he could see a cavity in one tooth. He ordered x-rays on all the teeth that remained, but wanted to start with the eye tooth. After I had the x-rays, he said that the cavity on the left side was really large, so he will address that tooth next. So we proceeded to work on the eye tooth. The decay went deeper than anticipated (down into the gum) so he let me take a break. When he returned, he said he wasn't sure if filling the tooth would work, because it was so deep, but the only other option would be a root canal & a crown and I probably don't want to do that unless I have to. So we proceeded to fill the tooth. After he finished he said we will work on the tooth on the left side (with the big cavity) next time. He said that one will definately need a root canal [smiley=scared.gif]. The numbing is starting to wear off now & the pain is starting [smiley=frightened.gif] Has anyone else had a tooth filled that possibly wouldn't work? How long before you knew? My next appointment for the root canal is December 12. [smiley=scared.gif]
Oh Yeah I forgot to mention when I walked into the office I had to face a big fear, the dentist was standing at the front counter, right next to the sign in sheet. I picked up the pen and began shaking, he looked over and then he looked away. I think he could tell he was making me nervous LOL
awww lynn, I'm sorry it didnt quite go to plan.... have been thinking about you today

I would post this on the dentistry question board and get a reply from gordon or mike.

Hope you feel a bit better soon [smiley=hugging.gif]
Thanks Happy-I already posted the question to the dentists. The numbing has worn off & my mouth is sore, but I have been taking Advil. My Jaw really hurts, but I expected that as I have had multiple surgeries for a jaw joint disorder. I get sharp pains from the tooth now & then. I had chinese for lunch (something soft) & I think something salty touched the tooth [smiley=scared.gif] YIKES.

I do not look forward to the next two weeks worrying about the root canal, but I am glad I had the courage to tell him about the problems I was having and the courage to make the appointment ASAP. The receptionist offered to make it after the holidays, but I knew I would worry too much. It was just hard to hear root canal especially after he said he was trying the filling on this tooth, because you don't want to go through a root canal if you don't have to, and then says the other tooth will definately need a root canal [smiley=frightened.gif] I just hope he gives me a break like he did today, otherwise my jaw is really going to hurt.
Well I thought I would update you on how I am doing. Not great :( I was really sore last night I got sharp pain below my jaw line. I did sleep last night, which was good. When I woke up this morning I didn't feel too bad, but once I got up and had my coffee I started to feel like gargage. Pressure and pain on the right side. When I looked in the mirror my face is a little swollen. I am not sure if it is my jaw causing the pain and swelling, the filling, or if the tooth is causing problems. All I do know is I feel like CRAP :-? I just took some Tylenol hoping that will help. I don't want to jump the gun and think the filling is not going to work. I am hoping I am just having problems, due to the trauma to the tooth and my jaw being open causing the joint to be inflammed. I have to work today so hopefully I don't look to bad :o

Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. :( If you are still in pain, I would recommend calling up the dentist. I don't know if you should still be feleling pain; they may need you to come back to have another look at you. At the very least they may be able to prescribe something to help you. Hopefully everything is ok and works out for you.

Thanks James :) The Dentist office called yesterday to see how I was, but I wasn't home. My mom said I was swollen in the morning and they said to call if I had any questions. My boss told me I looked awful yesterday, but I tuffed it out. I woke up about 4:00am and I had throbbing, so I told myself if it was still throbbing when I get up, I would call, but when I got up the throbbing stopped. I don't think there is anyway for me to leave work to see the dentist today, so I am hoping the throbbing doesn't start again. I have some selling today, but not as bad as yesterday, maybe the advil is working.
OOps, I meant I have some swelling today, but not as bad as yesterday :-[
Sorry I haven't been around over the last days [smiley=confused.gif]... I hope the swelling has gone down some more by now! I really hope the filling will work out - when it's very close to the nerve, it can take a while to settle, this is normal.

And - well done [smiley=grouphug.gif]!!
Well the swelling is about the same, not real bad, but noticeable. Still have pain on the right side of my face. I spoke with the dentist office on Saturday and they said the swelling is probably from the injections. They also said to wait a couple days, if no better I would have to see the dentist and be re-evaluted for a root canal and crown. I think I probably have an infection, as I was running a low grade fever yesterday. I will see how I feel today, I really do not want to go through a root canal, but I am tired of feeling miserable. If the swelling/and or pain would get worse I guess I would have to call again.

I tried to tell the receptionist that I was running a fever, but she didn't give me a chance. She said that I could have the tooth evaluated on Saturday, but he was extremely busy and I would have a long wait. I got the impression she didn't want me to come in, so I just went home and slept a little and rested all weekend, no energy to do anything.
Here's an update. My mouth is still sore on the bottom. Pain and pressure by the tooth, I tried to see the dentist yesterday, but he wasn't in. The femeale dentist was, but she scares me. I have an appointment on Monday for a Root Canal on another tooth. I am freaking out [smiley=scared.gif] I hope I can wait until then to see him, but if the pain doesn't get better, I may have to call again. Still feel like garbage. Running a low grade fever, when the fever goes up, the worse I feel. One good thing is that because I feel so bad I am focusing on that and not on the appointment just 4 days away.
Really scared [smiley=scared.gif] I have my appointment on Monday morning, not sure if he'll do the root canal on the tooth we discussed or have do do one on the tooth that is causing me pain. The thought of numbing me anywhere near that tooth is freaking me out. The whole left side of my face hurts, burning, throbbing, aching. I know I should try to stay calm, but I have the next two days off, and I know my mind will focus only an the impending appointment. No work to keep my mind occupied. Not that I have accomplished much at work this week, as I have been in pain, and feeling awful. I hope I do not freak out too much. I'll keep you updated.
Here's my update. I went to the dentist today to have another tooth worked on, however due to the problems I was having with the last tooth I had a filling on, he decided to do a root canal on that one and hold off treatment on the other tooth. He said the nerve was dying, so we proceeded with the root canal. At first I did not get numb, so he had to administer more local, but I survived [smiley=jumping.gif] He gave me a prescription for antibiotics and pain medicine. I took the antibiotics (generic) and got sick. I will try one more time, but if I can not keep it down I will have to call and get a differant kind. I am in pain now, but I don't want to take pain medicine until I am sure I will not get sick again, due to the antibiotic, luckily all that I have eaten is soup.
Fantastic - you should feel very proud of yourself [smiley=hug.gif]!! I hope you didn't get sick again (sounds like you do need a different antibiotic), and that you were able to take those painkillers.

Well done [smiley=jumping.gif] [smiley=jumping.gif] - and thanks for the update!!

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