How did you first bring it up? Any ideas would be gratefully received in the event that I fail with my planned phone call.
I think it was in an email - my dentist does read his own emails…eventually!
Basically, I froze up during a routine checkup, until I eventually managed to blurt out at the end of the appointment "I'm not OK!!" I was in such a state I didn't really manage to explain what the problem was at the time, so I ended up following up with a long email explaining the problem. After that I arranged to see him again, we discussed it, and decided to call in a phobia expert for extra help. That was what prompted us to start actively treating my phobia.
Other idea: maybe when you talk to him at the start, before you even get in the chair, you could prearrange that he will stop at certain intervals (e.g. every 5 minutes, depending on the length of the appointment) to check in and see if you need a break - whether he thinks you need it or not. That could help you get started and get over the hump until he knows you better and you're more comfortable with him.
Re phoning, could you ask to talk to the dentist himself? That saves any chinese whispers effect from you telling the nurse, and the nurse passing it on to him second-hand…especially if the nurses change around but the dentist is always the same person. It would also help with building trust with the dentist himself.
If you're having difficulty picking up the phone, here are a couple of tricks to try that I've had some success with:
- Rehearse it a few times to yourself first. I don't mean rehearse you're going to say (although you may want to do that too), but the actual act of picking up, dialling, and saying "hello". Visualise yourself doing it, and succeeding. Start doing this even the night before you're planning to call!
- When it comes to actually doing it, count down from 3, and on 1, just pick up, dial, and say "hello". That's it. That's all you're aiming to do, just pick up, dial, and say hello - focus on that. The rest will follow once you're over the initial hurdle.
Don't know if that will help, but these are things that have worked for me