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Horizontal root fracture front tooth question.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Yourbigpalal83
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Well-known member
Dec 10, 2006
Ok, this is pure paranoia now but please bare with me.

I have this thought in my head, i cant even tell if its a memory or just a troubling thought, but it is when i was younger, its of a dentist telling me and my mom "The bone is holding it in place" and i think he is refering to my front teeth.

When i was 8, my brother kicked me in the mouth and the left upper front tooth is slightly chipped. No work done, no fillings, etc.

i asked both my parents if they have any memory of this at all and they say absolutely no. (the tooth in question isnt cracked outside of normal crazed lines, i recall no splints or dislocation of the tooth, no fillings, etc)

Also one would think the chip would be the total extent of the damage...it wasnt disloged or shoved upward as far as i can tell....physics wize would the impact chip the tooth, travel upwards, then fracture under the bone or do horazontal root fractures have to be impacted at that site to accure?

Ive had multiple checkups since and never has any dentist ever brought it up, so much so i cant tell if im remebering a memory or a thought.

Here is my question.. IF i did have a Horizontal root fracture, evidence of it would still show on an xray to this day, and would it basically be healed as in the tooth is one solid piece?

Do teeth heal beneath the bone line? I know the enamel doesnt, but does the tooth itself heal like that?

Again, pure ocd and paranoia, and i have a checkup schedualed for the 22, but if this indeed did happen, would there be any evidence on a modern x ray 25 years later or would there be any reason to be concerned?

Just wondering for piece of mind

The crack will never heal and the tooth will remain in two separate portions. However, if the crack is well down the root and does not communicate with the mouth, then it may well not cause a problem. The tooth may feel more mobile depending on how deep down the root the crack is.
The crack will never heal and the tooth will remain in two separate portions. However, if the crack is well down the root and does not communicate with the mouth, then it may well not cause a problem. The tooth may feel more mobile depending on how deep down the root the crack is.

Ok but it would show on an xray correct? Ive been to multiple dentists in my life and i cant recall a single one saying i had this issue hense the confusion and paranoia weather this was a thought or memory!

I got my checkup on the 22 and plan on xrays! The tooth isnt mobile in the slightest nor do i have any trouble with it. So come the 22 after the xray i should know for sure correct?