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How long do I leave between extractions ?

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Feb 24, 2015
I had a bit of root removed two weeks ago, thought this was the cause of my dental abscess but turns out its the tooth at the side of it....so I now need to have that extracted. Bearing in mind I only had anasethetic two weeks ago at that side of my mouth how long should i wait to get this next tooth extracted. Will it be worse than having the root extracted ? Or easier because its a full tooth ?
Hi, I would get the tooth removed asap if it's causing problems.

Roots are usually easier to remove but that doesn't mean removing your tooth will be a nightmare, just it may take longer, having anaesthetic 2 weeks ago should be fine as you can have many shots on the same day like I did.
If its a strasightforward extraction then you can go ahead straight away.
If its a surgical extraction then you should wait 6 weeks to let the gums heal a bit first.
best of luck