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How long does it take gums to heal up after deep clean?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Beamish
  • Start date Start date


Aug 1, 2011
Hi all,

I just wanted to write and ask about people's experience with how long it takes gums to get better after a deep clean? I had one quadrant done about 5 weeks ago and the other 3/4 done two weeks ago tomorrow. My gums are looking much pinker in most places, but the areas where I had the most problem is still a bit red (but not as much as before) below the gumline. Also there is an area between my two top front teeth that was quite a dark red colour before, it does look better but is still not pink. I took metronidazole for 5 days and am brushing and using interdental brushes twice a day, and also flossing at bedtime. The hygienist told me to keep using corsodyl as I'm still having treatment so I have been using that for about a month now (with a week in between where I used retardex instead).

Apart from flossing more and brushing more times a day I'm not sure what else I can do to try and encourage them to heal. I'm also eating better, not drinking alcohol and am taking a multivitamin plus extra C and B vitamins.

Does anyone have any tips I could use? Will I just have to be patient? I have a check up with a new dentist on 24th October and another 30 min appointment with the hygienist on 11/11.

Thanks for reading,


First of all, congratulations for completing the deep cleaning and for keeping up what sounds like a thorough oral hygiene regime. Many patients find the home care very trying. Keep up the good work to help make the treatment a success!

Recovery from the discomfort of the cleaning should occur within a week. Most dentists and hygienists will advise a review of the effects of treatment about 3 months later.

I don't know how many cycles of RSD/deep cleaning you've been through, but it is pretty common for the worst affected areas not to respond immediately. Further treatment of those areas may be necessary. This could be with further deep cleaning of these areas +/- antibiotic gel gently squirted under the gums in those areas. Your hygienist may also consider why those areas haven't responded; e.g. is it because they're difficult to clean at home and so get re-infected?

Apart from the oral hygiene there is little else you can reasonably do, so rest assured you're doing your best. Disclosing tablets are very good to check your technique occasionally; you may think you're brushing well, but how can you know you're not missing areas when you can't see the plaque? Missing cleaning key areas is still the number 1 cause of failure of treatment.

A balanced diet including enough vitamins, one way or another, will certainly aid your immune system and your general health but there isn't a lot of good quality evidence to suggest that it will improve outcomes for gum disease, unless you were very deficient beforehand (verging on scurvy!). If there is diabetes in your family then it may be worth asking your doctor about a urine dip test or blood test. Diabetes is a significant risk factor for gum disease.

I hope that helps!