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How long does it takes after Sedative Filling done for calming down the pulp?

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Junior member
Aug 13, 2015
How long does it takes after Sedative Filling done for calming down the pulp?


I visited to my dentist last Wednesday for general inspection. She checked my teeth and then repaired 4 of them.

3 was okay after I went back. But one of them made me pain when bite. So I went to the dentist again for adjustment of the "high bite".

Then my worry started since that day. I had my dinner with hot soup, which made me felt "cramping" from the tooth to my under jaw , and somewhere at my throat.

I thought it was so called "tiredness" after adjustment. So I waited until next day, having hot potato puree for my dinner, and the feeling was so scary for me , "cramp" from under jaw to throat, and even I felt my shoulder was affected also.

I went back to her again, then she remove the filling and replace with Zinc oxide eugenol fillling. Told me to wait for 10 days and then visit to her again. If there is nothing problem, the pulp calm down, then she will do a permanent filling.

So here come my question: how long should be take to calm down the pulp?

The day after I had the sedative filling to my problem tooth, it stops to make problem when having hot food. But today I felt a sharp pain when I chewed. Does it means that the pulp is still not calming down yet?

Hope that some one can kindly give me some advice. :clover:
Re: How long does it takes after Sedative Filling done for calming down the pulp?

Hi :welcome: to the forum.

It can sometimes take weeks or in some cases months for a tooth to settle down, if the filling is deep it can take a while. It might be that you may need a root canal treatment (rct) on that tooth if it doesn't settle. Try to eat on the other side. Try not to worry there is an answer to your problem no matter what it is. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::butterfly:
Re: How long does it takes after Sedative Filling done for calming down the pulp?

Hi :welcome: to the forum.

It can sometimes take weeks or in some cases months for a tooth to settle dowFn, if the filling is deep it can take a while. It might be that you may need a root canal treatment (rct) on that tooth if it doesn't settle. Try to eat on the other side. Try not to worry there is an answer to your problem no matter what it is. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::butterfly:

Hi, thanks for your reply. :clover:

Today is the third day after Sedative Filling. The crampy reaction which extend from jaw to throat when having hot food was disappeared since the first day of applied. (I do not try any cold food or sweet , because I don't like them anyway). But on the second day after sedative filling, when I bite on a french fries, which not really crispy, quite soft actually, a sharp pain which similar to high bite appeared. That made me worry. May be I was too desperate, too keen to see the result of sedative filling work or not work? :redface:

I understand that if the sedative filling doesn't work to settle down my problem, then I will need to have the root canal treatment. I just worry that if I will really need to come to that stage. For a tooth which totally no problem before, no reaction to temperature, no pain when bite ,even I don't feel any symptom of decay .... After general inspection and dentist worked on it, and it became a problem tooth until root canal therapy ? Somehow I cannot accept this kind of "injustice" for my innocent tooth. :wtf:

My next appointment with my dentist is 10 days later. Hope that my pulp will be settle down that time....

I have no idea, is that possible to request for re-apply the sedative filling if still some feeling left?:confused:
Re: How long does it takes after Sedative Filling done for calming down the pulp?

A sedative filling can be replaced but a lot can happen in 10 days and you have already seen an improvement in the pain you are feeling so hopefully it will have settled down by then. :butterfly:
Re: How long does it takes after Sedative Filling done for calming down the pulp?


I visited to my dentist last Wednesday for general inspection. She checked my teeth and then repaired 4 of them.

3 was okay after I went back. But one of them made me pain when bite. So I went to the dentist again for adjustment of the "high bite".

Then my worry started since that day. I had my dinner with hot soup, which made me felt "cramping" from the tooth to my under jaw , and somewhere at my throat.

I thought it was so called "tiredness" after adjustment. So I waited until next day, having hot potato puree for my dinner, and the feeling was so scary for me , "cramp" from under jaw to throat, and even I felt my shoulder was affected also.

I went back to her again, then she remove the filling and replace with Zinc oxide eugenol fillling. Told me to wait for 10 days and then visit to her again. If there is nothing problem, the pulp calm down, then she will do a permanent filling.

So here come my question: how long should be take to calm down the pulp?

The day after I had the sedative filling to my problem tooth, it stops to make problem when having hot food. But today I felt a sharp pain when I chewed. Does it means that the pulp is still not calming down yet?

Hope that some one can kindly give me some advice. :clover:

In my experience with sedative fillings (twice) and sedative cement (once) the relief should be instant and you should notice improvement as soon as the Novocain wears off from your procedure. that is why they are only giving it 10 days. if after 10 days the sedative has not helped than it is more likely an irreversible pulpitis instead of a reversible.
the are not going to redo with another sedative filling, if the sedative filling you already have did not help. the effects of a sedative filling do not wear off at 10 days do you know what I mean? if at 10 days you want to wait and see if it gets better you can, if you do not want to go ahead at that time with a permanent filling or a root canal it is your right to wait. but drilling out the sedative filling and replacing with more sedative filling is not something they would do, because there is no reason to, it would not help.
if your pain is only when biting down then it is possible you only need a bite adjustment
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Re: How long does it takes after Sedative Filling done for calming down the pulp?

A sedative filling can be replaced but a lot can happen in 10 days and you have already seen an improvement in the pain you are feeling so hopefully it will have settled down by then. :butterfly:

Yes. I also hope that it will settle down within days.

I am not sure that the sharp pain is coming from this tooth or the other tooth which exactly next to it. My dentist told me that both of the teeth needed to be care, so she repaired both of them.

On the day she remove the composite filling and replace with sedative filling, she told me that she suspected both teeth, but higher suspection on the one which she place the sedative filling, so she did only on one tooth.

What will happen to the other tooth, if there also on progress of pulpitis? Will it be heal by itself or it will move to irreversible pulpitis?

Actually I do not understand why she did only on one tooth if she suspected both of the teeth. Is it bad for a tooth to place sedative filling?
Re: How long does it takes after Sedative Filling done for calming down the pulp?

In my experience with sedative fillings (twice) and sedative cement (once) the relief should be instant and you should notice improvement as soon as the Novocain wears off from your procedure. that is why they are only giving it 10 days. if after 10 days the sedative has not helped than it is more likely an irreversible pulpitis instead of a reversible.
the are not going to redo with another sedative filling, if the sedative filling you already have did not help. the effects of a sedative filling do not wear off at 10 days do you know what I mean? if at 10 days you want to wait and see if it gets better you can, if you do not want to go ahead at that time with a permanent filling or a root canal it is your right to wait. but drilling out the sedative filling and replacing with more sedative filling is not something they would do, because there is no reason to, it would not help.
if your pain is only when biting down then it is possible you only need a bite adjustment

Yes. The relief was instantly and I notice that no more temperature reaction to my tooth.

I had today tried carefully to bite a small piece of crispy bacon on that tooth.... no pain..... I do not dare to try again and again.

Actually my dentist suspected 2 teeth (just next to each other), but she said she will tried to place sedative fillling to the one which she suspected the most and see how it goes.

I was not sure that the sharp pain which I experienced yesterday was the tooth with sedative fillling or the tooth which next to it (the other suspect tooth)

What will be happen if the other tooth leaving untreat if there is also pulpitis in progress? Will it be heal by itself or it will get worse and become irreversible? :confused:

I agree with you about bite adjustment. I had a sharp pain last dinner when biting down. The feeling more like high bite pain. I heard from my dentist about the sedative filling is quite "soft" , which normally will not need bite adjustment... Then I doubt, the sharp pain is coming from the tooth with sedative filling, or the other tooth which she suspected.
Re: How long does it takes after Sedative Filling done for calming down the pulp?

Yes. The relief was instantly and I notice that no more temperature reaction to my tooth.

I had today tried carefully to bite a small piece of crispy bacon on that tooth.... no pain..... I do not dare to try again and again.

Actually my dentist suspected 2 teeth (just next to each other), but she said she will tried to place sedative fillling to the one which she suspected the most and see how it goes.

I was not sure that the sharp pain which I experienced yesterday was the tooth with sedative fillling or the tooth which next to it (the other suspect tooth)

What will be happen if the other tooth leaving untreat if there is also pulpitis in progress? Will it be heal by itself or it will get worse and become irreversible? :confused:

I agree with you about bite adjustment. I had a sharp pain last dinner when biting down. The feeling more like high bite pain. I heard from my dentist about the sedative filling is quite "soft" , which normally will not need bite adjustment... Then I doubt, the sharp pain is coming from the tooth with sedative filling, or the other tooth which she suspected.

if you felt improvement right away after the sedative filling then that is probably not the tooth still causing problems. I would just wait and see if everything settles down or not. It is safe to leave a sedative filling longer than 10 days, they are soft but they do not fall apart in 10 days and you can leave them up to a couple of months.
Re: How long does it takes after Sedative Filling done for calming down the pulp?

if you felt improvement right away after the sedative filling then that is probably not the tooth still causing problems. I would just wait and see if everything settles down or not. It is safe to leave a sedative filling longer than 10 days, they are soft but they do not fall apart in 10 days and you can leave them up to a couple of months.

I was just back from dental clinic. She checked the tooth with sedative filling, told me that she didn't see there any problem. Since I express my worry so much, she agreed to remove the other filling from other tooth and replace with sedative filling also. (hopefully this will not only calm my tooth down, but also my anxiety.)

My next appointment with her is on 24th Aug. Hopefully everything should be right until that time.

I asked her about permanent filling choice which less irritative. Since porcelain filling is not available at my area (need to take mold and wait for few weeks), so if she told me that if not amalgram or the white resin composite, then the only choice will be glass ionomer cement.
Re: How long does it takes after Sedative Filling done for calming down the pulp?


My crampy feeling under jaw was solved after dentist prescribed antibiotic.

My very tired neck and stiff shoulder problem was solved quite funny..... I bit my teeth firmly for few seconds, then felt that the stiffness relieved. So I did it everytime when I felt stiffness came back. After a day or two, totally gone.

I visited to my dentist on the day of appointment, we decided to place permanent filling for one tooth first, and observe a week. Then after a week we finally did the last tooth.

Both seem ok until now. Sedative filling worked for my teeth. :jump:
Re: How long does it takes after Sedative Filling done for calming down the pulp?

glad to hear it helped and that you are doing well.
Re: How long does it takes after Sedative Filling done for calming down the pulp?


My crampy feeling under jaw was solved after dentist prescribed antibiotic.

My very tired neck and stiff shoulder problem was solved quite funny..... I bit my teeth firmly for few seconds, then felt that the stiffness relieved. So I did it everytime when I felt stiffness came back. After a day or two, totally gone.

I visited to my dentist on the day of appointment, we decided to place permanent filling for one tooth first, and observe a week. Then after a week we finally did the last tooth.

Both seem ok until now. Sedative filling worked for my teeth. :jump:

Do you know how long it took for the tooth to calm down? 3-4 days or more? I am going through the same process as you. Lucky for you, you took care of the sensitivity immediately, my dentist kept telling me to wait and outright refused the sedative filling. I waited a month and saw that the pain was starting to get worse before i sought a new dentist who put in the sedative filling. It's been 10 days now and while the pain comes and goes and is nothing like before, it's not entirely asymptomatic.

Any advise?