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How long is too long for a root canal?



Junior member
Aug 15, 2024
Hi!!! So, long story short. About 5 days ago my tooth started hurting really badly. I'm talking, it woke me up at night and I couldnt sleep kinda bad. Had to take 7 Tylenol in one day thanks to the pain kinda bad.

I called up a dentist. Since I don't really have a regular one except for braces. And I went in around 2 days after. They looked at it and told me it needed a root canal. Now my teeth had a cavity there previously and like it had a filling but it came out and I never went back until now.

So my tooth is drilled pretty deep like really deep. It's a hole pretty much. So I'm paranoid the cavity might be really deep in. Not to mention the appointment is in like a month. I'm deep in anxiety. Is a month too long to wait for a root canal??? Everyone I know waited a week or two max. Even as far as getting it the next day!

I don't wanna lose my tooth or even worse get a nasty infection. I did get out on like amoxicilin which will last for 5 days. But like 5 days vs a month?

I'm literally panicking. I dont know if I should turn to another dentist, or wait it out, or if it's normal for it to be a month long wait.
Is a month too long to wait for a root canal??? Everyone I know waited a week or two max. Even as far as getting it the next day!
Doesn't matter. Even if you had to wait a year it won't affect the chances of a root canal succeeding or not.
@Gordon But isnt there a chance it could just get infected and like severely spread? My tooth does still hurt and it makes me nervous. Or will the Antibiotics take care of it on the time being??
It could get reinfected and start getting a bit sore again. No it won't spread, tooth infections don't work like that. The bacteria that cause them are generally pretty feeble wee beasties and your immune system will eat them for breakfast.
The antibiotics will take care of it for a while. You may need a different antibiotic later if it gets painful again but it's unlikely.