It is actually worse than that. For the most part dental care is surgical care that evolves either teeth and bone as hard tissue or gums and occasionally tongues,cheeks, and lips as soft tissues. When the treatment result isn't satisfactory we are then left with a compromised situation that often can not be revised to as good of a result as if we had the patient to treat properly from the beginning. Right now I am in the midst of revising the following cases 1. A poorly planned and misplaced implant that destroyed the entire section of her ridge.
2. An immediate implant placement with poor healing so the tissue looks terrible. This is top central incisor!
3. Cemented crown on an implant placed way too deep so I had to remove bone and recontour the crown.
4. Full top arch of implants where his "guaranteed" bridge is falling all apart. The implants selected makes this case a compromised case unless the ones that didn't fail are cored out.
This is all this year.