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How much information is needed from an endodontist about the root canals, in order for a dentist to do crowns/onlays?

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Aug 15, 2021
It's a long story but basically my endodontist has done some root canals for me and placed permanent composite fillings, and I'll be needing to see a new dentist to get a couple of crowns or onlays done.

I've had 4 root canals and only some of them need restorations, so it's quite complicated.

The endodontist and my new dentist are completely different businesses so not connected. Also my original dentist retired so my new dentist will be seeing my teeth for the first time.

My question is - do the endodontists need to communicate a lot of information about the root canalled teeth to the dentist?

Like how bad the original decay and abscess was, how much of the internal structure was drilled away, the internal dimensions of the composite filling placed after the root canal, etc.

Or is it simply a case of telling the new dentist the names of the teeth that were root canalled, and that's all the dentist needs to know?

I'm asking because I don't know if a letter with the names of the teeth he root canalled is enough to give my new dentist.

I want to get it right, because my old dentist (the one that's retired), once wrote a letter to me with treatment recommendations, but identifying the wrong teeth to be worked on. I had to correct him and get him to re-do the letter. And I've heard horror stories about dentists drilling into the wrong tooth, not the one with issues.

Thank you for any help.
My question is - do the endodontists need to communicate a lot of information about the root canalled teeth to the dentist?
Not really, no.

Like how bad the original decay and abscess was, how much of the internal structure was drilled away, the internal dimensions of the composite filling placed after the root canal, etc.
None of that is particularly relevant. Some post op x-rays would be nice to have though, to save the restorative dentist from taking more (and exposing you to more radiation for no benefit!).

Or is it simply a case of telling the new dentist the names of the teeth that were root canalled, and that's all the dentist needs to know?

Pretty much, although as I said, a copy of relevant x-rays would be good. Most endodontists would do this routinely anyway.
Thanks so much Gordon.
Some post op x-rays would be nice to have though, to save the restorative dentist from taking more (and exposing you to more radiation for no benefit!).
Which are better for the restorative dentist doing the onlays/crowns, conventional 2D x-rays, or a mini CT scan of each tooth? I think he took small 2D x-rays of each root canal immediately after doing it (to check the root filling had not extruded and to have a record of it). But we will also be doing another CT scan of each tooth soon to check healing (the smaller kind that covers an area of around 2-3 teeth).
Conventional films are fine. Since they'll be digital anyway, then whatever the endo-dude (they love it when you call them that! ;-) )wants to pass on will be fine.
Thanks Gorden that's very helpful, and thanks for the laugh I'll always think of him as Endo-Dude now!