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How to convince my Mum to a different version of my possible treatment?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lioness
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Jul 10, 2016
Good evening everyone.

As in the title.

I feel I need to go to the dentist's. I have 4 cracked teeth and sore gums. But before I would have any of my cracked teeth extracted, I'd like to get any antibiotic to make my gums less painful and puffy. I'm rather afraid that my Dentist won't be willing to give me it. And that means that the potential treatment would be very painful.

I've asked my Mum today, "If the Dentist wouldn't give me any antibiotic firstly, before any other treatment, can we go to a bigger city where they have laughing gas?"

Her answer was - mildly speaking - negative.

I need some more help with dental problems recently, I really don't want my treatment to be so painful as the last time...

I really hate my dependency from others...😭
Hi Lioness, good to hear from you :waves:! So sorry to hear about the cracked teeth and sore gums. I hope you're not in too much pain! Did your dentist suggest removing the cracked teeth?

With regards to antibiotics - I hate being the harbinger of bad news, but unfortunately, they don't actually do anything for painful and puffy gums :(. What antibiotics CAN be good for is when you've got a really painful, acute abscess. But it sounds as if the pain is coming more from the gums rather than a specific tooth? If so, then it wouldn't make any difference to the treatment - you'd be numbed up for the procedure anyway, and the sore gums wouldn't interfere with the numbing. This is in contrast to an acute abscess, where sometimes it can make it harder to get you numb (but even then, oftentimes all that's needed is some extra local anaesthetic).

Laughing gas can be a brilliant option if you're finding it difficult to cope with dental procedures and you're looking for something to make you more chilled and relaxed. Did your mum say why she didn't think much of the idea?
Hi @letsconnect. It's so good to hear from you, too! Whoo, some hours ago I came back from my Dentist!:)

She did something called "sanding" on my gums. I have two debris of my teeth for extraction and one tooth for fixing.

Well, maybe it sounds stupid but the worst part for me now is rinsing my mouth with Eludril mouthwash for 2 weeks.
To be honest I don't know how I'll cope with this... It's so burning! 🔥

Again, thank you for your reply, @letsconnect - it's so good to be seen and to talk. :waves:
Hi @Lioness, great to hear that you made it to your dentist - it sounds as if it went better than expected?

I'm not familiar with Eludril (it seems to be similar to Corsodyl), but from googling, it sounds like a burning sensation is a common side effect 😥. Hopefully you're not expected to keep it in your mouth for the whole 2 weeks 😉!

Thanks for the update, I hope you're getting some relief from the pain at last 🤞
Hi @Lioness, great to hear that you made it to your dentist - it sounds as if it went better than expected?
Yeah, it was! My Dentist was very nice. :)

Please, keep your fingers crossed for my brushing twice a day and using this damned Eludril with such frequency too...

I hope you're getting some relief from the pain at last 🤞
Yeah, I hope Eludril will help...

Hopefully you're not expected to keep it in your mouth for the whole 2 weeks 😉!
Of course, not! 😄 And that's the bright side of this situation! :grin: Thanks for helping me to find it! 😁

Thank you for your reply, @letsconnect. :)
Yeah, it was! My Dentist was very nice. :)

Please, keep your fingers crossed for my brushing twice a day and using this damned Eludril with such frequency too...

Will do :)

So relieved to hear that your dentist was so kind and helpful, that's great.

Please let us know how you get on!