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How to go about getting second opinions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Annie364
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Aug 15, 2021
I think I want to get a second or third opinion as I have a lot of things that came up at my recent new dentist appointment.

My recent new dentist seems good but as I need a lot of work done, I want to get different opinions and prices first.

I could potentially decide to go with any one of the possibly three dentists I'd see.

I'm just wondering what is the best way to go about this? I don't want to offend anyone or burn bridges for any of them.

Do I make the appointment with the second dentist as a new appointment and not mention it's a 'second opinion'? It's basically a whole review of my mouth I need, to see what he suggests. It's not one specific thing I need a second opinion on.

Do I not mention that I've seen the first dentist at all?

Is there any way the dentists could find out, and not be pleased I saw someone else before deciding who to go with?

One problem I could see is having too many x-rays done. Would this be OK for small ones (to have them done at each dentist), but maybe if they want to do a CBCT I should only get that done once, then for other dentists say I have a recent CBCT and give them the file?

Thanks so much for any advice.
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Same practice or different practices? NHS or Private?

Multiple x-rays of the same teeth is not a great idea in general, so sharing files is more sensible.
This would be completely different practices, and private.

I see so with x-rays I'd better ask for digital copies of all of them, including the small ones. I hope they won't think that's suspicious!
In that case, it's up to you how you phrase it to the second dentist, but people "shopping around" between practices isn't that uncommon.
Asking for copies of your films isn't that odd either.

This would be completely different practices, and private.
If it's NHS then there is a record of you having an examination/x-rays so if a second dentist tried to claim the fees again within 6 months they'd get a bit of abuse from the NHS...
Thank so much Gordon.

So should I actually say to the 2nd dentist - I'm coming to you for a second opinion - or should I just say nothing and book in for a new patient appointment (I would email him some recent small x-rays and say they are from a recent check up)? To be clear it's quite possible I'd end up going with the 2nd dentist going forward as my new dentist.

I think if I said 'second opinion' it would sound to him like it's a one-off visit from me, just to get a bit more input from another dentist. I also feel like he might feel he's not valued, as more of a 2nd best option for me.
I'd be honest, you've not "gelled" with the first dentist and you'd like to find somebody whom you're more comfortable with.
OK, thanks very much Gordon!